Chapter 19: Kyra

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This was the best first date ever. Shane's not who I thought he was, he's not a punk. But why was he rude before? What's with all of rumors? Is there something I don't know?

Shane and I hop in his car and drive back to my house.

"I had a great time tonight." I say.

Shane stares at me with a smirk.

His lips say he had a nice time too.

The truck turns into my neighborhood and parks at my house.

Shane opens my door and walks me to the door.

"Would you like to come in and hang out for a bit? It's still a bit early." I offer.

He says thanks but he can't. But asks if I wanna go hang out at his house tomorrow.

"Yeah. I'd love too."

He says awesome and hugs me. And says he'll see me tomorrow.

I walk in the house to find my mom and dad watching the t.v. show with the zany housewife who keeps trying to get into show business. Even though I can't hear, I've watched this show a lot, and she is so funny I nearly die of laughter.

"Hey. How was your date?" my dad signs.

"Awesome! I'm gonna hang out with him tomorrow." I respond. My parents smile.

"We're so proud baby!" my mom motions.

"What does he do?" my dad asks.

"He's a singer/songwriter."

"Wow! Maybe one day we'll say we knew him way back when." my dad responds. I hug them both and run upstairs.

I check my email to find a message from Anna.

It says this,

Hi girlie! I hope you and Shane have a wonderful time on your date! I'm so glad I got to know you guys, you both are the greatest, and you are the greatest best friend I could ever ask for. And I feel like moving to San Fran was the best thing that's ever happened, because I feel like I've found my "soul-friend" my "one and only".

Hanging out with Ryan tomorrow, so please give me the 411 on everything!!!!!!!

I love you,

Anna Banana.

Oh my God!! That's the most beautiful letter anyone's ever sent to me.

Anna, you are my "soul-friend" and you are my "one and only". I love you too.

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