Chapter 3-Mistakes

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Basically the rest of my Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday day sucked. I wasn't playing basketball, my mother was being petty and Ally's doctor never called me back. I basically spent all week sulking in my house since I had Wednesdays and Thursdays off. I really let myself go those days. Leaving the house and hanging out with my small group of friends wasn't a possibility during those days where all I felt was pain everywhere. My entire mouth felt like it was on fire and I had a deep ache in all of my bones. My dirty blonde hair was wet with sweat and my normal blue eyes were paler than normal. I kept getting these weird muscle twitches all over my body and no medicine was helping me with the waves of pain so I've been sitting in my bed being sick for the past two days.

I hadn't even worked on my project. I had advanced composition on my schedule and we had to write a short song as a test to see where we were in terms of what we could already do. I had the main chorus done on the guitar, but I still had to add some drums and a piano. Some orchestra sounds might sound really good too. I felt so sick, but I knew I couldn't cancel the party. Thank god they boys came through and got everything we needed. They'd never let me cancel now so I guess, I'd have to shut up and deal.

I told myself that I had to get up and shower for 20 minutes before I got up and actually limped my sorry self to the bathroom and cleaned myself. I put on some joggers and another t-shirt I had lying around and went to put on my shoes. I could hear my mother pulling into the driveway so I stayed put in my room to avoid her. After she got in the house, I heard her call my name. I sighed and got up. I couldn't let her see me limping so I grit my teeth and strolled out into the open concept kitchen/ living room standing up straight so that I actually look like I'm 6'2". "What?"

"I don't know what's been up with you, but you need to contribute to this house okay? You're a part of this family too Oliver."

I was so confused, "What are you even talking about?"

She put her hand on her hip, "Well, you haven't helped us with the dishes lately and you skipped classes the last two days. This is unacceptable and you know that!"

I groaned, "We've been over this Martha--"

She sharply cut in, "Don't call me Martha, it's Mom."

I laughed, "Seriously? If you want that title then earn it. Also, I don't have classes on Wednesdays and Thursdays! If you actually paid attention to what I say then you'd know that!"

She gasped, "Earn it?? I birthed you and Allison, I think I've earned it. You will show me respect young man! Look around! I got this for you, I provided for you for your entire life! All I have ever done is pay attention so I know what you guys need and when!"

"So then you know that Ally is on the wrong medication and is barely getting her needs met! So then you must know how to 'help' her again right? Right?!" The last few words came out as a growl/snarling sound. All of the sudden I felt my gums ripping. It hurt like nothing I'd ever felt before.

My mom slapped me out of my pain, "How dare you?!?"

I let out a vicious roar, but I ran away instead of hitting her back. I knew I was stronger than most people so I had to be careful about how to let my anger out. I sprinted to my car and put the keys in the ignition. After I heard the engine come to life, I felt my aching teeth, To my surprise, all of my teeth felt different and sharper. I decided to let it be and work on calming down as I drove to the campus' music studio. If there was anything that calmed me down after a fight it was music. Being alone in silence was not good and music filled the silence and made me think about how the music fit together and what chords sound best with another.

I pulled into the parking lot and parked. If it weren't for my fury, I'd be kinda creeped out right now. I never liked the darkness or night time because it always seemed so sinister. I checked my smart watch and it was 9:24 pm. Luckily, Dad pulled some strings and I got a copy of the keys to the studio so I could get in at anytime. I pulled them out of my glove box and walked to the quiet building. I noticed that there was a light on and the door was already unlocked. I listened, but I didn't hear anything. This meant that they must've been in a booth because they were all soundproof. I got ready for fighting off some robbers but as I crept through the lobby and reception, towards the recording booths, a guy came strolling out with a guitar case. I stopped in my tracks as he looked up at me.

This guy was the most gorgeous man have ever seen. His chiseled jawline was covered with a stubble and he ran his big hands through his dark, wavy hair. I immediately noticed his perfectly shaped lips and how soft they looked. He was taller than me by an inch or two and he looked pretty built, but I couldn't tell because of his t-shirt being kind of baggy. I snapped out of it and shook my head, I looked back at him and saw that he was staring at me too.

"I-I uh, I'm sorry. I was just--" All of a sudden I heard another voice in my head saying one word, mate.

He cleared his throat and walked towards me with a scowl saying, "This is a mistake." He pushed past me and walked out.

I was crushed by what he said. I couldn't explain why I cared so much about what that idiot said. I huffed and went back to what I came here to do. I was so disturbed and astounded by what he said. I had to drown it out. I couldn't focus on what he said or the other voice in my head. It reminded me of how Ally started showing symptoms of a sickness. It started with voices. I put on my headphones and let the loud music drown out my thoughts and pain from my head and body.Hey guys! I'm sorry for taking so long even though it's really short! However, I'm working on chapter 4 and its gonna be a lot longer and the book will get a heck of a lot more interesting due to the rising action. I'm so excited about it! I hope you guys are enjoying and I might do a chapter where I give you pictures of the characters and cast so you can see how they look though. Anyways, comment and vote, but most importantly, keep writing!! :D

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