Chapter 41-The Day After

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 I'm not sure what part of me thought that fucking D in the woods was a good idea. I'm not sure why I went for it at all. It was only going to be harder for him to carry out his plans without the mate bond getting in his way. Now that it was completed, he'd feel my pain and I'd feel his. We were connected forever. It'd be hard for me to be so far away from him, knowing the danger. I couldn't even pretend not to be worried. I was laying on the ground with his arm wrapped around me. We were both lacking in clothing, but I wasn't cold. Being in his arms made me feel more secure for some reason, not to mention warm and cozy. I turned to see him sleeping. His eyes were gently closed and his face relaxed. His lips were swollen and his neck was full of hickeys. I blushed, remembering it. I had never left a hickey on someone like that.

I tried to move out of his arms to go put on some clothes, but when I tried, he held on tighter. I sighed and picked up his phone to check the time. 12:34 pm. I grabbed his forearm and pulled it off. A second later, D groaned, "It's too early."

I laughed and kissed his forehead, "We have to go. I need to get ready for tonight."

He looked at me, "Please don't go. There has to be another way."

I put on his sweatshirt and started looking for his pants, "There isn't. We can't win if the queen brings the fight here today, but maybe you could in a week."
He nods, "I can't stop you, but please be careful. I don't want to feel too much pain."

I punched his arm, "Right, that's why." I laughed a little and it got quiet for a bit. Impulsively, I asked, "Do you think we went too fast. I mean yesterday morning we were friends and now we're..."

He sat up, "I don't know, but I wasn't sure if I'd see you again so I thought that--"

"I'll see you again. I know you guys will send help after you take care of the manor."

Duncan nodded, "Of course."

I stood up and grabbed his t-shirt for him, "Let's head back before people get too concerned."

He threw it on and stopped suddenly, "Shit. People are gonna see us."

I growled and pulled him along, "Let them. You're mine now."

He nervously laughed, "Of course your majesty."

We talked about little things on the way back like our pet peeves. "Wait, so you're saying it drives you crazy when people grind their teeth like this?" I ground my teeth in front of D.

He shut his eyes, "Oh god, why are you like this? You know what?" He sang off note tunes and let his voice crack to get back at me.

I covered my ears, "You dick! I'm gonna get you back worse sometime!" I laughed.

"WhaT ARe yOU tAlKIng AbouT. My VOicE iS wONdErfUL!"

I just stared at him, "Mhm, as beautiful as a buttcrack."

He chuckled, "I liked that. Now, did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?"
We talked and discussed all the way back and there wasn't a dull moment. When it came to relationships and people, it was always hard to keep up a conversation. It always turned dull one way or another and it kind of sucked, but with D, that never happened. It was something special for sure. We were getting closer to the tree line behind the mansion. His warm hand was still in mine, but it was ripped away quickly. I looked back at him, "D?" He was just staring at the mansion.

"I-I can't. I care about you, I like you, but I'll lose all respect as soon as the clan finds out. I need to be able to command them while you're gone."
I could hear the vampires training not too far from us. I tried to think of something good to say, "Look, I understand that you need their respect okay? But honesty is something worthy of respect right? Besides, who cares if you're gay or bi? If anything, your bravery and honesty can only help."

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