Chapter 25--You have me

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In the next day or two, I was helping pick out the troops who were being sent to kill the vampires with Fernando. In the couple of days that I had known him, I was able to pick up on what kind of a person he was. He could be just and respectable, but when he was upset, it was best to stay out of his way. He was an amazing fighter and was extremely smart when making plans and thinking about who to send in advance. We were walking around the outdoor training grounds where the soldiers all trained. 

He didn't want to send out any rookies because this mission was important and he didn't want to fail the queen. It didn't make sense why a respectable man was so infatuated with my mother. After the weeks of observation that I'd planned out, I knew I'd have to take that throne from my mother. She has little regard for her packs around the world and doesn't care about the casualties her men face in order to defend her. She was like a less physical version of that one alpha that I exiled 10 years ago. If the vampires didn't kill off the werewolves, then she would. However, I had to wonder if she had the generals under some kind of hypnosis. One of her lycan powers is mind control. 

She can't actually bend their wills, but she can put thoughts and facts in there that aren't true. She can manipulate mostly everyone except me. I could feel her in my mind when she tried to coerce me 6 years ago as I got on a plane to leave. I didn't know how I knew it was her, but I knew. I wouldn't be surprised if Fernando were under her manipulation.

"Why are you so obsessed with what the queen says, Fernando?"

We continued observing answer talked, "She is my queen. I have pledged my life to her. I guess it's as simple as that."

"Maybe you pledged your life to the wrong person. SHe'scold, vicious, unmerciful, and spiteful. WHy would you respect a ruler like that?"

He shrugged, "Well besides you and Lyle, no one else can take the throne. However; I suggest you watch what you say around me. I'm respectful to you, but don't take that as friendship. I am still loyal to the queen."

I stopped, "Lyle? Who's that?"

He stuttered out, "Well, I, uh, w-who? I-I haven't heard that n-name before."

I raised an eyebrow, "Oh really? Fernando, do I have to torture you to get the answer?"

He paled, "I-I.."

I stood over his 5'10" frame and growled, "I, as your prince, demand you to answer."

He stayed quiet, "Answer." 

I said with my alpha voice. He had no choice but to comply, "Y-Your brother. H-He's in the dungeons."

I backed up and crossed my arms, "Follow me." I led him away from the training grounds and by the cliffs right past the training grounds so we could talk without the soldiers listening. "Explain."

"He seemed to gain some of his composure back, "He is your brother. He is in the dungeons because he committed treason."

"How? Why was I never told that he existed?"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you. Queen's orders."

I snarled and tackled him. He didn't fight back as I dragged him to the cliff's edge and held him over, "I've killed a lot of people, General. Do you really wanna test me right now?"

His breaths were ragged, "I-I can't t-tell you! It's classified!!" He was trying to keep his cool, but his heart was beating so fast. I knew he was scared shitless. I let him down farther as he screamed, "P-Prince, no! Please!"

I laughed, "Fernando, you can be a respectable man who keeps his promises any other time. I would implore you to spit it out this time because this is your last chance."

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