Chapter 39--Trust Me

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I sped back from the college in my Lamborghini. I actually really loved the car because of its new car smell and the way it drove, but my mind only stayed distracted for so long. I thought about what would happen the next day and my stomach twisted. I didn't want Oliver to go but if it was what he wanted, then I wouldn't stop him. I'd just be there to catch him if he fell. Even though I only decided to get to know him a few days ago, I could tell he was nervous. Even Taurus was unsettled. I finally asked, "You okay?"

He smiled weakly, "Yeah fine." I was a little disappointed that he didn't tell me, but I understood. We weren't there yet.

"You're an awful liar." I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

He shrugged, "I mean, it'll take a couple days for you guys to get there. I just don't know what will happen in those few days."

He caught me by surprise there. I didn't think he'd say anything. I cleared my throat and tried not to make him regret it, "I don't even want to think about it, but you're strong and I know you can do it." Then, I grabbed for his hand and squeezed it. He intertwined our fingers and it felt so right that I didn't dare move. We just sat there holding hands and taking each other's support for what would happen tomorrow.

Warmness had spread across my entire body and I reached out to his mind to see if he was still upset. His wolf was dying of excitement and his mind was at ease and calm. I could feel it. Soon he even let his head rest on my shoulder. I froze up and didn't know what to do, but eventually, I learned to relax into it and accept the comfort. I liked having him around.

When we got to the mansion, we sat there for a second. I knew we had to get in there and make the plans so I said gently, "I think they're waiting for us."

He nodded and got up. As soon as he let go of my hand, a coldness settled over my body and I instantly wanted to grab his hand to get it back. I already started to miss him. We both put on our masks and walked into the manor and to my office. I immediately got to work, "What'd you guys get?"

Ricky saluted and informed us, "The blueprints are in the data on this drive along with army counts and their attack plans. I think you might want to take a look because it looks like they're planning a huge attack in a week's time."

I nodded, "I think we have that taken care of."

Jake shook his head, "Just look." He plugged the flash drive in the computer as we all huddled around.

Oliver studied them, "It looks like tomorrow, their troops will pull back a bit, but they really are planning to attack next week."

I sighed and shook my head, "I can't say I'm surprised." I had no idea how the vampires were going to muster up enough men to defend the clan house after we stormed the castle. I asked, "What about the queen and her lycan abilities? What are they?"

"From talk among the servants, we picked up that she can control people's minds and mess with their memories. That's about all."

Oliver asked, "Can she control Xander's mind or listen in right now?"

Ricky answered, "From what we understand, no. It only works when she's within range of the person. The servants always complain about her playing with their heads anytime they get too close." While that cleared Xander, I still gave him a distrustful look. I wasn't sure I trusted him yet.

"So Xander's fine?" Oliver clarified. They nod as he asked me, "Duncan, what do you want to do?"

I breathed out, "If we hand you over, they'll drawback but attack in a week. If we don't they'll attack tomorrow."

The last thing I wanted to do was hand over Oliver if they were just going to attack in a week's time. I had just gotten him back and I didn't want to lose him again, but I knew it had to be done. With a week's time, I could have gotten so many preparations taken care of. Before I could say anything, Oliver said, "I'll go and don't you guys dare come after me."

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