Chapter 34-I Hate Change

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Duncan's POV

Hey guys! This is unedited so there will be some grammar mistakes, but I'm going to be editing it later today(12/4) but I gotta go now!! Byeee!!! :D

When I got back to my room, I yelled and threw all of the paperwork off of my desk. Stomping and ripping up the linen wasn't enough to soothe my burning rage either. I was so mad at him and at myself. I was so mad that he had a legitimate reason to leave. I wanted his reason to suck so all of my hateful words would still hold. I hated him. Or at least I wanted to. I may have hated the idea of him that I had, but I could never hate him because of the stupid mate bond. I thrashed and yelled and smashed everything. How could he do this to me? How has he changed me into this monster so easily? The last time I rampaged like this was when my father died.

Our short conversation sent me right back to the place where I was 10 years ago. I was angry, hurt, abandoned, lost, and confused. It all came back just by listening to him. I moved past all of my problems through the hate and anger of him leaving, but I would've done the same thing in his position. I could easily say that he made the right choice for his sister and him and I couldn't be mad at that. I used my anger as a distraction from my other problems and it worked brilliantly, but now I had no distraction, I was just faced with all of my emotions from before. The only way I knew how to deal with it was break stuff, so that's what I did.

After a while, my fists were bleeding and my knuckles were split so I stopped. I just sat on my torn bed and tried to calm myself. Thank God I had my room sound proofed years ago. Oliver could have heard my yelling if I hadn't. Over my 80 years, no one had made me so made consistently mad. Even if I wasn't as mad as before, I still didn't want to develop any kind of relationship with him. He was right in saying that I never really got to know him, but I didn't really want to when I thought about it. I didn't want to fall for that prick, but I was sick of hating him. I touched the mark on my neck remembering his wolf marking me and claiming me as his. I shivered thinking about it.

The fact that I liked it killed me. I knew Oliver wasn't on board with it and I knew that he probably felt a little weird about it, but the mark had always seemed like he was gloating about something. I always hated it, but I wasn't so sure anymore. I got up and walked downstairs to the kitchen where I found the last person I expected to see: Allison. When I saw her eating cereal on the island, I paused, not sure if I wanted to continue to get my own food. Slowly and cooly, I walked around the island and opened the fridge to browse.

"You know, Oliver hates himself because of you."

I raised an eyebrow as I turned back towards her, "I don't think he'd like you telling me that."

She shrugged, "I guess I was just hoping I was wrong about you."

"What do you mean?"

"You seem like a dickwad who doesn't care about anyone except yourself. I was hoping there was something deeper"
I chuckled, "You weren't wrong."

She just nodded, "That's too bad. I really would've liked to have you in our little family." She got up and left me there to ponder that. It honestly took me by surprise. Why would anyone be excited to have someone as heartless as me in their family? Did she not know about what I've said to him so far? Was she really that clueless? It was kind of nice to be wanted, but it felt a little uncomfortable. I wasn't used to the feeling, but I wasn't so sure I was exactly ready to welcome it. I was munching on some chips when Jake stomped down with his duffel bag. The three were leaving that night, but the others were running late.

I laughed at him because of his servant's outfit. He noticed me and stomped over, "You think this is funny? Letting that brat of a prince decide what's gonna happen to us? He doesn't rule us, you do."

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