Chapter 35-Ducan's Playhouse

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Guys I'm gonna be honest, updates will be slower until at least after Christmas. My mother and I have never really gotten along and she took my Chromebook so now I can only work at school or when I'm able to sneak the Chromebook. I'm sorry guys, but I'll still try to post as much as I can. Just gotta keep writing! :D

My legs were getting better, but I couldn't walk very well on them. I could stand and hobble around for a minute or two before being too exhausted to continue. After finishing my tiny exercise of walking for two minutes, my phone went off. I opened it to check it, and I saw a message from Martha. She was requesting a meeting that Friday, but somewhere neutral and not near the vampires. It was actually kind of comical. The text went something like this:

Oliver, Greg and I just want to talk to you and Ally. We know that the queen has...some issues, but you are still her son and a lycan. There's still time. Meet us at Cafe Podre on 9th street at 4 on Friday, please. Love you guys.

The thought that she was still on the queen's side drove me insane. They locked me up and tried to force Ally into something she clearly wanted nothing to do with. I scoffed and set the phone down just as Duncan came in. He'd been in every day to help the healing process, but not without making me miserable of course. I sighed and laid back down.

"You look awful." He commented right away.

"Please, you think I look bad? Go look in a mirror."

"At least you're healing."

I looked at him and realized he looked really tired as if he hadn't slept all night. Like normal, he pulled up his chair and sat beside me. "You okay?" I asked slightly concerned.

He scoffed, "As if you care." He didn't even look at me.

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't care."

He was silent as he rubbed his face. I took notice of his chiseled features and square jaw. "I'm fine." He flatly stated.

"Can I be honest?" He nodded for me to continue, "It's okay to not be okay. It's a normal, human thing."

"I'm not human. Not anymore." He said it distantly. Before I could say anything else, He got up and walked out. I was worried about him and I thought about using our mind-link, but he obviously didn't want to talk so I wouldn't push him. To say the least, we'd gotten used to each other over the past couple of days since he said sorry. We weren't as rude to each other, but there was still a wedge between us that we were both stuck on.

Trying to get him off my mind, I decided to text Ally and Bell and get them in there to talk about this meeting with Greg and Martha on Friday. For all I knew, it could have been a trap. They came 30 minutes later with peroxide and bandages.

"Do we have to clean my legs now? This is important."

Bell smiled sweetly, "So are your legs. Talk as I work."

She started unwrapping them as Ally put her chair right where Duncan had it. "Okay, so Greg and Martha texted me and they want to meet us on Friday at this cafe." I showed her the text and then I showed it to Bell who was still working on my legs.

Ally scoffed, "Are they really still on her side? The queen has more than 'some issues'."

"I don't know. You guys think I should go?"

Bell spoke up as she rewrapped my leg, "I think you should hear them out. They're your family after all. I can be around the corner in case anything happens, but you'll have Ally there too and she's an army all by herself."

"Aw, thanks Bell!" Allison smiled at her.

Bell replied, "No problem girl!"

I groaned, "Just stop that. "

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