Chapter 28--The Vampire King Part 2

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"Mother?" I croaked out in an uneasy voice. The scratching in my throat made it hard to talk.

"Yes. I'm here baby, I'm here."

She pulled my broken body into another hug as I talked once more, 'Where are we? What happened?"

My father spoke this time. "We're being held prisoner by the people who hijacked our plane." He didn't even look at me as he said it in a monotone voice. It seemed like he was elsewhere.

I looked around the cement cell where we were being held. Noises from other cells echoed and there were bloodstains everywhere. A disgusting smelling bucket was in the corner and there was some bread left in a metal bowl near my mother and I. She saw that I was looking at it and went to get it, but I refused it because I didn't know when we'd get more. It was more important than my parents survived. I was just a useless, uneducated kid. They could still make something of themselves and have another kid. I heard a frightened moaning coming from our left and footsteps advancing towards us. Another person was being tortured while a group of guys came closer and closer. I backed into my mother more in fear as two guys stopped in front of our cell. There were only iron bars between us and them. After a long moment of silence, a boy my age suddenly spoke, "Is this that new cattle?"

I was confused. We weren't cows. The other boy replied, "Yeah, I think so, but Alpha doesn't want us to hurt 'em too much. The male might be important."

The first boy scratched his chin, "Which male? The young one or the old one."

"The older one. I think the other 2 are free game."

The first boy had an evil smirk as he gazed at my mother with lust in his eyes. He opened the cell door and came at her. I tried to move my body quick enough to stop him, but he was so fast and I was still slow. I yelled, "Don't touch her! Just go away!"

My mother weakly smiled at me with his hand around her neck, "Duncan I'll be okay, just stay quiet sweetie."

I didn't know how she could be so calm about that. I thought she was about to be raped, but before I could say anything else, he bit into her neck. The pain was shown by my mom's wide eyes, painful moan and her sweaty face. After a while he dropped her and wiped his mouth. "Mm, that one's a good one."

I was horrified. That boy just drank my mother's blood. I stared at her in horror as she got up to come back to me. The boys closed the doors and my mother could only say one word, "Vampires."

All the pain in my body disappeared as it all began to make sense. We were captured by vampires for some reason and they're using us as food. A few tears silently ran down my cheek and my mother wiped them away. All of the sudden, my father's gruff voice pierced my bubble of despair, "Oh, stop crying. It'll be fine Duncan."

I yelled at him,"I told you I didn't want to go! This is your fault! If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be here right now. You heard them! They said it!"

He yelled back, "You know where you'd be if it wasn't for me? You'd be poor and living on the street like some rat! You wouldn't even exist! Now, I'm done talking to you like this. Fix yourself before you try to talk again."

I just screamed in anger. I knew he was right. I knew I should've been more thankful, but I was just so mad. I was basically a slave and I blamed him for it. After a while, another boy came, but this time, he wasn't here for blood. "Edward Williamson?"

My father grunted and the boy continued, "The alpha wishes to speak to you. Follow me."

He slowly got up and limped to the door and he followed the boy out and to the alpha. My mom and I leaned up against a wall and silently waited for my Father to return. To pass the time, she sang a song to me. I can still remember the comforting lyrics:

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