Chapter 12--The feels

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My mind was back on Duncan as I drove back towards the library at the college. I had to try to work through some of the calculus assignment before my next class. Even Music was incapable of getting Duncan out of my head. I even turned it to pop, hoping that my hatred for this trashy music would help but I got so mad that I angrily turned down the volume. I flicked too hard though because the knob came off and I yelled in frustration. This day has sucked.

After arriving at the library, I sat in the car to collect myself.

It'll only get worse you know.

I didn't need that form Taurus, "Shut up."

The bond that we created by marking him is what's driving you crazy. You're mad because he's out there in the woods and not with you. I think we should go find him and you need to apologize because I need him. I need to know that he's okay and seeing him like he is...

I interrupted, "No Taurus! He's fucking fine. He's a vampire, I think he can handle himself."

Yeah, but that doesn't help. He belongs at our side, you idiot!

"You heard him say that he didn't want us. How could you be so stupid as to believe anything like that?"

He is ours and no one else's. Don't you understand that?? You will never be happy without him nor will I.

"I'm done talking about this. He hurt me really bad and he hurt you too."

Oliver, he's not asking you for complete forgiveness, he's asking for a chance.

"Really? Last time I offered a chance, he declined. Harshly."

I can feel his pain, he regrets it.

"It doesn't change the fact that he said it. He meant it and you and I both know that."

He continued to yell at me, but I ignored him and he eventually stopped. At 4:23 I finally walked into the library to work on this homework. Mr. Kohler was behind the desk working on logging new books into the system. He looked above his glasses with his fiery gaze and he called out my name. I sighed and went back through the maze of study tables to go to him. He was buff and young. Only God knows why he's working at a library. He could be doing so much more with his life, yet he sits here. He looked like he could take me out with his left hand.

He raised an eyebrow, "I heard about you getting kicked from the team. My condolences."

If there was one thing he had a weakness for, it was gossip. He knew everything about everyone and would not hesitate to tell anyone anything. He was waiting there for a response from me and I decided to use this opportunity to find the idiot who leaked the pictures. I leaned in closer as if I was gonna say something juicy and I wore my million-dollar smile, "Some dipshit leaked pictures of my sick party."

He nodded, "Word is, it was some guy off the Varsity Basketball team, but no one knows who exactly. I have 3 guesses if you wanna know."

I smirked and played along, "Oh, do I! Thank you, Mr. Kohler!" It was dripping with sarcasm.

He chuckled, "Well you didn't hear it from me, but it's either Xander Lurchin, John Basker, or Kyle Witman."

I nodded my head, "Hmm, well It's anyone's guess right?"

Mr Kohler nodded and dismissed me. Smirking, I went back to where I was originally headed for. I weaved back through the study tables and past the vast library shelves that towered to a little higher than me. They were all set up in rows and behind them were more tables and the bathrooms. I mad my way to my table in the corner and I pulled out my stuff and got to work. It was hard to work with all these thoughts swirling through my head about my real parents, Duncan, and the dick who leaked those pictures of my party. I decided that I needed a set game plan to deal with this since a therapist was out of the option. I had to go talk to Ally and see what she thinks, then I'd go deal with that punk who leaked pictures, then I'd try to see if there was a way to contact the werewolf queen.

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