Chapter 4-Killer Party!

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The next morning was awful. I woke up to a loud knocking on my door, and a sour mood was consuming me because of last night. I couldn't stop thinking about him and how perfect he seemed. I had to snap out of this because I knew I wasn't gay. I couldn't be because I've been with girls before and I liked it. Never have I ever felt this way about a guy, but he was different. A part of me wanted nothing more than to be with him as he held me in his arms. I could hold him too, you know, whatever he wanted. I literally slapped myself out of it and got up to go answer the door since I knew Martha and Dad were still snoring away in their room.

I thought about putting on a shirt, but it was my house and I liked not wearing shirts. It was freeing. I opened the door to see Ricky standing there with his hands in his pockets. My brain was screaming at me to shut the door, so I tried. He put his hand up to keep it open, "Wait, I know I shouldn't have avoided you and all, but I'm worried about you. Whether you choose to believe it or not, I give a fuck about what happens in your life okay?"

I stayed quiet for a few seconds and cracked a small smile, "You know you have the worst timing right? My parents are right upstairs ya dumbass."

He smiled, "Well, you know, it's kinda my thing."

"Well, get a new thing. The current one sucks."

"True, but I have to ask you something serious now."

My heart started to beat so loud that I could hear it, "Uh, yeah, sure. Shoot."

"Why aren't you ready for class slacker? It starts in, like, 10 minutes."

I sighed and banged my head against the door post, "Fuck it. I'm not going. I'll see you and the boys tomorrow okay?"

He nodded and walked to his car. Slowly, I made it back to my room and into my bed. The twitches were getting worse and my body was hurting more than it ever had. It felt like someone was hitting a sledgehammer to all of my bones. I popped in more Advil and let myself fall into a deep slumber.

"Oli! Wake the fuck up! You have a party in an hour dude!" Someone was shaking me. Opening my eyes, I could see it was Jake shaking me awake.

"What? It's Friday. Shut up and leave me be satan!" I laughed and sat up.

"No, you slept through Friday and Saturday, you feel okay?"

I rubbed my eyes that were stinging, "Yeah, fine." My body felt slightly better, but not much. I looked around my room and remembered, "Oh my God! I never got the beer and weed! Fuck!"

Jake laughed at me, "Yeah, we know. We pulled a few strings but we got some old friends who owed us and now you're good to go. Everyone's coming by the way. The Varsity hot shots and some of the JV teams, but also the cheerleaders and the babes from that one sorority by the campus. You sir, are gonna have some fun tonight!"

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