Time skipping like a boss
Scott: 36 Mitch&Travis: 35 Kacey: 26 Dalton: 15 Luke: 8
Dalton's POV
I woke up way to early for summer. I went into the bathroom and started brushing my teeth. My phone vibrated. I rinsed off my toothbrush and picked up my phone. 'Mention from: @hatershating: @daltonmw should just kill himself.' I sighed and turned off my phone. Just once could someone not annoy me? "Dalton!" Speaking of annoying. I walked downstairs. "What do you need now?" I said. "2 things. 1 lose the attitude and 2 are you ready? We're going to Kacey's." Mitch said. Yes, I call my parents by their first names. "Do I HAVE to go?" I whined. "Yes, now come on. Travis is waiting in the car." he said.
We pulled up to Kacey's house. "Are you going to walk inside or do we have to repeat last time?" Travis said. "Mhm....I'm good. I just might stay out here for a while." I smirked. "Last time it is." he said. He came to me door, opened it and grabbed my arm. He pulled me over his shoulders and carried me to the house. Mitch looked over at us and rolled his eyes.
Travis carried me inside and sat me down. "Is that a grey hair?" I joked. "Cute." he said. I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I had a text message from Tori. 'Come to the playground. Max and Cody want to hang out.' it said. "Travis! I'm going to the playground!" I yelled. "Can I go?" Luke asked. "Haha. No." I said and closed the door.
I made my way to the playground and saw the three idiots that I can trust sitting on a bench. "Hey weirdos." I said and sat down next to Tori. I gave her a kiss on the cheek. No, we are not dating. It was a friendly kiss. For now.
"So listen, Dalton, you know Blake Walsh from school? Yeah, he wants us to go to his party." Max said. "I don't know, guys, I mean I don't know what my Daddy will think." I grinned evilly. "Don't say that man, you don't care what your parents say." Cody whined. "Ok, I guess I'll go." I said. "C'mon its today and starts in like ten minutes, we can walk." Tori said.
The four of us reached Blake's house. There was loud music and people already inside. I could feel the alcohol radiating from the house. "I don't know about this." I said. I was worried. What if the police showed up? I'd be in some deep shit. "We'll be fine, bro." Max said before him, Cody and Tori ran up the steps. Tori waved for me to follow.
Not wanting to seem like a loser in front of all of my friends, I foolishly followed them.
*10 minutes later*
Everyone seemed so drunk. I didn't drink any. It smelled completely awful.
"Everyone stop! The police are here!" Blake yelled. There was a knock on the door and everyone scrammed. I tried getting past the police with the three, but felt a tug on the back of my shirt. "Max! Cody! Help!" I yelled. They looked back but continued running. "Bastards..." I mumbled. "Dalton Wright? Well, where are your parents?" the officer asked. I looked at him with innocent eyes. "How about we take a stroll." he said.
The officer walked me to his car and we took off. We pulled up to Kacey's house. "Let's go." he said. He walked over to my door and dragged me out. He walked me up to the door. When he knocked, Scott came to the door. "Hey Dad." I said hoping Scott would pick up. "Uh uh. I am not his father. I'll be right back." he said and left. "Ass..." I said.
Mitch and Travis came to the door. I pulled my hand up and waved. "You are in so much shit, young man." Mitch said. "Well, I need you to sign this saying you're his legal guardian and that I brought him to you." the cop said. Travis signed the paper. "Good luck." the officer said with a pat on the back and left.
I sat on the couch and sighed. "Go ahead and yell." I said. "No, I won't yell. Dalton, we were suppose to spend time as a family. I know you want to hang out with your friends, but this is not you and we both know that. I would like to know what happened though." Travis said. "I went to the park because Tori wanted to hang out. Max and Cody were there and the 4 of us were invited to Blake's party. We went. There was alcohol but I swear I didn't drink. The cop showed up and everyone ran and I, being the slow one, got caught. Worst part was not even my best friends helped." I explained. "Well, looks like the only choice I have is to ground you." Travis said. I nodded. "Alright." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and handed it to him. "Thanks." he said.
I sat back on the couch. I put my head in my hands. "God, I'm a terrible person." I mumbled. "No, you just made a mistake. Everyone does that." Mitch said. "No, I mean, all I ever do is disappoint you guys and I don't want to its just hard...." I finished.
Gone For Good (Book 3)
Hayran KurguDalton Wright didn't know what to think anymore. He grew up saying how much he hated his parents, but Mitch and Travis try their very hardest to show that they cared and wanted the best for him. Dalton sees his parents are trying, but still doesn't...