unlikely | keivan

34 1 5

most friendships started awkwardly and in the weirdest way to both parties. it could be over something really trivial, like fighting over who would take the last packet of ketchup at mcdonald's, or something awkward like being forced to sit next to one another in class.

and for tsukishima and van, it started the same way.

well, kind of.


"class, for your biology project, we'll be making terrariums," kunikida-sensei said, pushing his glasses up his nose, "and for that, you'll need to be paired up."

audible twitters of excitement spread throughout the classroom. van made eye contact with kimberly, signalling that they would be pairing up.

"since all of you are so eager to find partners of your own, i've done the pairing up for all of you!" iki-sensei, the teacher that was sitting in their class for the past few weeks to observe, said excitedly, holding up a sheet of paper with a grin.

the class groaned. and so did van, because there went her chance of getting partnered up with kimberly.

iki-sensei read off the names with gusto, and people began to sit with their partners.

kimberly's name was called.

please let it be me. please let it be me. please let it be—


the said shizuka got out of her seat and walked over to kimberly. van groaned internally.

"ryu-san with tsukishima-san."

great, just great, van groaned internally for the nth time that day.

tsukishima was known to be the smartest in class, with the top grades.

she made eye contact with the male in question, who just walked over and sat down next to her.

after reading out all the names of everyone on the list, kunikida-sensei passed out all the items to make a terrarium, and then instructed them on how to make it.

everything was going well for tsukishima and van, until they needed to add decorations.

"i'm saying we should put the ducks in," van said as she held up the tiny plastic yellow ducklings.

"and i'm saying we shouldn't," tsukishima said.

"why not?!"

"because it makes everything look worse," he said with a pointed look, "plus, it's garish."

"it's not garish, you beanpole."

"whatever, shorty."

van ignored him and carefully placed the ducklings in using a pair of tweezers. once that was done, she covered the terrarium. tsukishima took the sticker iki-sensei had given out and wrote their names on it before pasting it on the side of the jar.

"can i keep it?" van asked as she stared at their little plant in awe.

"sure," tsukishima said with a non-committal shrug.


days passed, and the little plant grew steadily in the jar on van's table. she observed the plant, taking note of which direction it grew towards.

until one day, someone knocked the jar over and the plant was uprooted. it did not take long for it to wilt.

"no!" van cried as she tried to salvage the fallen, "curses, whoever killed my plant!"

"it's just a plant," tsukishima said as he watched her cradle the jar (which was still intact) in her arms like a baby.

"hey! it's a plant, and it's a living thing!" van snapped, glaring up at him, "why don't you fall over from a tall building or something and try not to die?"

tsukishima rolled his eyes as he watched her open the terrarium to try and fix everything. but no dice.

this was just the beginning of their weird, a little dysfunctional relationship.


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did you see some of my references kekekek

still salty over the fact that someone knocked our terrarium, thus causing our plant to die :( + did you see the hint of vanberly? kekekek (you should've come to 3.1 to get your daily dose of vanberly— // slapped)


happy birthday tsukishima!! my moon child, pls stop riling everyone up (even though yamaguchi is there for you #couplegoals)!! continue growing and having character developments because i'd like to see you grow into a man of fine character :):):)

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