beauty | tetsurin

18 0 1

dt: Zarrin23


soft rain pattered against the cold window panes gently, tapping rhythms across the surface. kuroo and zarrin were in the living room, with zarrin sprawled out on the sofa, watching boku no hero academia, and kuroo was reading some sciencey book. everything was peaceful and silent, the only sound coming from zarrin's laptop; tinny voices screaming and yelling from the device.

"todoroki can impregnate me with his eyes."

kuroo raised an eyebrow and turned around, resting his arm on the seat of the sofa, near zarrin's body, and said, "excuse me?"

zarrin paused the anime, which showed a full-blown image of todoroki, staring in another direction intensely. to her, it captured his immense beauty: his piercing eyes, sharp jawline. to him, it just showed another animated character.

"him?" kuroo scoffed as he looked at the said todoroki, "i don't see why you look at him when i" — he gestured at himself — "am literally the most handsome person ever created."

"how rude," zarrin sniffed, "obviously, you don't appreciate beauty. this man"  — she pointed at todoroki's face — "is the literal definition of beauty. i don't see how you're not the slightest bit gay for him."

"because the only beauty i can see is you, honey," kuroo said smoothly, leaning on his hand which was propped on the sofa earlier.

"smooth, babe, but it's not working," zarrin said with a tight smile, "todoroki is my new boyfriend now."

zarrin was about to resume watching the anime when kuroo took the laptop away from her. she whined as he placed the laptop on top of the coffee table.

"tetsu," she whined, making grabby hands towards the laptop's direction.

"don't 'tetsu' me," kuroo said as he now towered over her, straddling her, "you literally just compared me to that guy." his last word was tinted with disgust.

"but babe, he's pretty!" zarrin whined, "can you honestly blame me?"

"yes," he said with a grin, then lowering himself so that his face was now a few inches above hers, an arm beside her face and the other holding the sofa for support, "yes i can."

he then smirked and lowered himself further. zarrin squeezed her eyes shut, preparing for the inevitable.

his hands suddenly attacked her sides, tickling her. her mouth opened and a series of hacking laughs escaped her throat. she wheezed and tried to curl herself up, but with kuroo towering over her, she could not do so.

"babe!" she choked out between laughs, "stop!"

"nuh-uh," he said as he continued to tickle her, "not until you say 'i love kuroo tetsurou and todoroki is totally not my type'!"

"w-what?!" she said, "no!"

"oh, what was that?" kuroo said as he hummed, continuing to tickle her, the moving towards her stomach, "i couldn't comprehend that."

her laughs increased, and she could not take it anymore, "i.. i love kuroo tetsurou! a-and todoroki... is totally! not my type!"

"good girl," he said with a grin before taking his hands off her, finally getting off her.

"you are actually very possessive," she grumbled as kuroo returned the laptop to her, and she sat up.

"i'm sorry, babe, could you repeat yourself?" he smiled, but it was forced and tight.

"nothing," she lied with a bright smile, "i love you."

kuroo smiled and sat next to her, pressing a kiss to her temple, "i love you too, baby."


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you had NO idea how hard it was to write this since tetsurin is known to be a more touchy couple and would get all 50 shades of grey in an instant lmao, so i hope this was passable

anyway!! moving on!!

happy birthday zarrin!! i know today wasn't exactly a super pleasant day for you so i hope this oneshot makes you happier at least!! ♡ thanks for being the first friend i made and for being there for a good rant, as well as giving me anime recommendations!! love you, and once again, happy birthday!!

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