eternally yours | tobi-q

32 1 13

song is in the media, you know the drill ;)


"qq, wake up."

the feeling of someone gently shaking her awake caused her to rub her eyes and then open them, blinking and focusing on the person in front of her. raven hair, deep blue irises, it was kageyama.

qq sat up and ran a hand through her hair, still in a confused and dazed state. to her slight surprise, kageyama placed a tray on top of her lap, which held a plate of waffles with honey drizzled generously over them, and a cup of apple juice.

she broke into a smile and faced the man, asking, "you made this all by yourself?"

he nodded shyly, his ears turning pink, and scratched the back of his neck nervously, "i can't guarantee they taste good, though."

"it's the thought that counts," she said, "thanks, tobio."

she brought up the knife and began to cut the waffles, watching the honey drip down the clean cut, then placed the slice in her mouth. it didn't taste good, neither did it taste bad. it was, indeed, a good attempt for someone who can't even use a stove properly.

"want a bite?" she asked, already cutting a piece for him and gesturing for him to sit down beside her.

he said nothing as he sat down beside her and opened his mouth as she placed his slice in. he chewed and said nothing, only to have qq prompt him for his verdict, to have it as "it's okay, i guess."

once breakfast was done, she began to get out of bed, which she noticed kageyama was all dressed up. black and grey striped sweatshirt, fitted dark blue jeans, hair combed nicely.

"are we going somewhere special today?" she asked as he took the tray away from her.

"i guess you can say that," he replied, walking out of the bedroom, "get changed. we'll be leaving in five."


kageyama, unlike his wife, was absolutely shitty at hiding surprises. or maybe qq was just good at picking up hints and had a great sixth sense for things. so when he brought her to the local ice skating rink, she was not surprised.

"how did you know i was going to bring you here?" he asked all while grumbling, "are you psychic?"

"maybe i am," she said with a laugh, tapping the side of her temple with a large grin.

however, what she didn't know was that he booked the entire rink all for themselves. she only realised that when they he simply placed their belongings on the bleachers without a second thought.

"i didn't know my husband could be such a romantic," she joked with a hand across her heart as she stepped foot into the rink, balancing herself and warming herself up.

he simply made a face at her and clutched onto the side of the rink, stepping onto the ice carefully, not wanting to fall down immediately. qq waddled over and interlocked their arms safely, to which kageyama was thankful for.

at that moment, the speakers blasted out a ballad. not just any ballad; it was her favourite kpop ballad. upon hearing the recognisable introduction, she whirled her head around to face him and raised her eyebrows, "did you put some songs there to be played?"

he nodded, "i chose your favourites."

a silly grin broke out on her face as she gave his arm a squeeze of gratitude. slowly, the pair skated round the rink, mostly with qq belting out lyrics at random intervals. kageyama simply chuckled in amusement, watching her enjoy herself.

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