angel | daineta

17 2 8

dt / sittingonthefence

warning: language


"did you overcook the spaghetti?"

zan peered into the bubbling marinara, observing the cooked noodles, reaching out with a pair of chopsticks to break off a small piece after taking the lid off, to which it was slightly soggy.

"whatever, sawamura," she said as she turned the gas off, then proceeded to drain the water out and place the noodles on the plate.

"watch out for the sauce, too," the said sawamura added, arms crossed.

you'd think having a guardian angel watching over you 24/7 is a blessing. unfortunately (or fortunately) for zan, she ended up with a hunk of a guy (with stunning muscles, might she add) as her guardian angel, who also happened to be a really big dad. (not daddy.) she felt as though she had a second dad to keep watch over her.

after successfully finishing her dish, zan carried the plate and utensils to the living room, where she placed them at the dining table carefully. sawamura followed suit, eyes not leaving her form.

as she sat down to eat the food, she eyed sawamura, who was standing opposite her, arms crossed, looking at her.

"what, is there something on my face?" she asked, dropping her fork to raise her hand up to her face.

"no," he said, "just keeping an eye on you."

"you always do, dad," she said, half sarcastically, as she picked her fork up again.

she was twirling a noodle with her fork, and asked, "sawamura, don't you ever get bored?"


"looking after me," she further explained, stabbing a meatball in the process, "don't you have other things to do? like, to entertain yourself?"

he shook his head, "looking after you is basically my job and entertainment. seeing how you were trying to cook spaghetti was the best part."

he laughed.

she sighed, "thanks."


"wake up, it's six!" "don't forget your bus pass!" "did you pack an umbrella?"

it's a daily thing, getting 'bossed' around by sawamura. but zan's used to it, and she's come to be accustomed to and fond of it.

"doesn't it suck not being able to touch anything?" zan asked, since it was the time of the day where she asked random questions.

sawamura pulled his lips into a thin line, then answered, "i don't know. i don't really feel a need to touch things."

zan just hummed in response, then continued to do her assignments.

sometimes she wondered, does he ever get tired of looking after her? did he ever wish he was not a guardian angel?

"i'm going out to get a breather," he announced randomly, "be right back."

and he disappeared, leaving her with unanswered unasked questions.


this one day, zan had a pretty rough day at school, so she came home in a relatively bad mood. sawamura managed to see the figurative dark cloud over her head, so he waited for her to sit down in a huff on the couch, before walking over to her.

"what's up?" he asked.

"the sky, that's what," she growled in response.

"easy there, tiger," he said, "what went wrong today?"

"everything," she groaned, "i did really bad on the chem practical today, then there was a fucking add math pop quiz today, and i bombed that shit up too! and then during club, my dumbass juniors decided to do some dumb shit and had me clean up their goddamn mess! christ on a stick!"

"okay," he said, taking a breath, then continued, "do you want me to recommend something for you to drink?"

"yeah, go ahead," she said with a sigh.

"oolong tea," he said, adding a pause before continuing, "and maybe some biscuits. those will do the trick."

she was really grateful for him. he was always there for her, no matter what.

so she managed a smile, "thanks."

after all, he really was her angel.


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the ending was basically based off:

the ending was basically based off:

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honestly idk where i was going with this

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honestly idk where i was going with this. perhaps some crack. and also smth fluffy to cure y'all's tears from the last daineta angst. (sorry not sorry)

happy birthday dad!! thanks for going out of your way to make me a happy/satisfied kid (despite me being older lol)!! AAA go catch up on bsd cuz your boyo dazai's in it!!

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