2. Late Night Conversations

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"Hey little sis" Jackson smiles as he walks into the dining room with a bowl of noodles to place in the center. "How was your day?" he asks curiously. I put the final set of silverware out in the table and turn to face him.

"Fine I guess" I shrug. "What is Caleb doing here though?" Caleb sometimes came over to hang out on weeknights but usually he and my brother would just go out. It was odd that they were both here having dinner with us.

"Why are you so worried about it?" he asks confusedly. "You get along with him right?"

"I-I mean yea" I stutter, shrugging nonchalantly. Of course we got along but that wasn't the point. I hated when he came over, I always worried that he would somehow figure out that I had a gigantic crush on him and he'd end up laughing in my face.

I was just Jackson's little sister. I was nothing more than some lowly sophomore while he was a popular senior.

"Good" my brother replies happily as Caleb walks in with a pot of sauce.

"Watch out, hot food coming through" he warns, walking towards the table and placing the sauce beside the noodles.

"Oh look how nice this all looks" my mom exclaims as she walks in with my dad on her heels carrying parmesan cheese. "Thank you for all your help" she says, looking towards the three of us. "Now take your seats so we can dig in."

"Don't have to tell me twice" Caleb comments as he takes his seat beside Jackson. I sigh, moving to the opposite side of the table to sit by myself. When Liam lived at home I was used to feeling left out since he often sat next to Jax but since he left I had gotten used to the table being balanced but now with Caleb here the table was back to being unbalanced.

We all pile our plates high with spaghetti and I'm about to dig in when I realize that I forgot the parmesan. I reach out for it and coincidentally Caleb reaches out at the same time and our hands brush causing electricity to run up my arm.

Caleb smiles, moving his hand away. "Ladies first."

"What lady? That's just Sky" Jackson teases. I roll my eyes, grabbing the cheese and sprinkling it onto my spaghetti before passing it to Caleb with a gracious smile.

"Thanks Sky" Caleb chuckles as he sprinkles the cheese on his plate before putting it down and digging into his dinner.

"So, how was school today sweetheart?" my mom asks and I shrug.

"It was fine. I have a quiz in pre-calc this week that I'll probably fail so I'm definitely looking forward to that. Spanish is alright but my teacher's accent is so thick that it's hard to decipher anything that comes out of her mouth" I complain.

Caleb chuckles. "Ms. Franklin?" he asks and I nod. "Yea she's the worst. I have her again this year for Spanish four" he explains and my eyes widen.

"How have you survived three years of Spanish?" I ask in shock. I was taking my required two years and then I was done. I would much rather be taking creative writing which I had to drop from my schedule this semester to make room for my required classes.

"Oh don't you know? I'm a ghost" he teases. I laugh while my brother rolls his eyes.

"Stop torturing all of us with your lame jokes dude" Jackson insists. Caleb rolls his eyes.

"You're just jealous because your sister actually laughs at my jokes."

"Yea okay" he replies unconvinced. "Why don't you finally tell her why you're here" he suggests and suddenly I'm on the edge of my seat. "I bet that'll put an end to her laughter real quick."

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