19. Don't Be Suspicious

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I have no idea what time it is when a knock sounds on my door, awakening me from my slumber but upon opening my eyes to find the moon still out, I'm unamused. I groan, walking across the floor while wiping the sleep from my eyes and without hesitation I throw the door open. "Hey." I swear I must not actually be asleep and instead, must be dreaming because there's a boxer-clad Caleb at my door holding his pillows beneath his arm.

"Babe what the hell?" I let the pet name slip, I blame it on whatever ungodly hour of the morning that it is because usually I'd be more careful than to casually throw the word around.

"Your brother brought friends home." My eyes bug out of my head. Did he just-? No. He didn't-. "Yes, I meant to use a plural noun." Too much information. How-? Why-? These are all questions I actually want nothing to do with. The last thing I want to picture is my brother sandwiched between two girls. "Can I sleep in here?"

I open my mouth to respond with the obvious answer, no. He couldn't sleep here. H-he looked like that all chiseled perfection, looking like a fucking god with that panty-dropping smile. No. No. My boyfriend couldn't sleep here. Not to mention, my brother could find him here in the morning and that's not exactly something simple to explain away. At least not when you had a perfectly functioning couch. "Caleb-."

"Skyler" he mocks, earning a glare. He chuckles, leaning against my doorway and my insides turn to jelly, knotting up into a...knot. Jesus, please tell me I'm smoother than this when I'm fully functioning because right now I couldn't stop thinking about this boy in my bed...and the things we could get up to in my bed. But no. I wasn't ready for things. I'd never even been felt up before. Why am I thinking about this? "Matthews, are you alright?"

Right. He's still here. And waiting for an answer. Finally, I throw my hands up in defeat. My hormones nor my heart were going to allow him to sleep anywhere else. Why keep pretending like I had a choice in the matter? "Sorry." I move out of the way. "You can sleep here but set your alarm for early because my brother cannot catch you in here." I close the door as he walks over the threshold, stepping towards my bed and placing his pillows beside mine.

This was such a bad idea. I finally check the time on my phone when I get back to bed. It wasn't too late, just after two in the morning which meant we'd at least have a few hours together. I pull back my blankets and climb back into bed, Caleb climbing in beside me and collectively, there's a pause. We don't know exactly how to do this. He doesn't want to be too forward and I don't want to assume-. "We can um put something between us" he suggests. I groan, rolling my eyes as I turn onto my other side so I'm rather face to chest with him. Why did he have to be so tall?

"It's fine" I reply honestly, lifting my gaze to meet his. He smiles softly, titling my chin until my lips were millimeters away from his and then, fireworks. Not literally. It's two in the morning and it's not a holiday but I swear I hear them popping off in my ears as Caleb kisses me, his tongue gently pushing between my lips as my arm lazily drapes over his hip.

If one thing was for sure, Caleb really knew how to kiss a girl. I felt the kiss in every cell of my body and the fact that it was happening in my bed...well it was only making it that much better.

His hand travels down to my hip too, pulling me closer against him but it's still not enough. I move my hands to his chest, tracing his pecs with my fingertips as his tongue explores my mouth and within another matter of seconds I'm beneath him. He's expertly situating himself between my thighs, nudging my legs apart so he can lie between them and a soft moan is ripped from my lips as his lips leave mine and start across my jaw.

I've never been in this position with a boy before now but I get it now, that undeniable want that I've read in so many novels. And the arousal that you feel between your thighs as their lips travel that much lower. But it's too soon. It's early in the morning and we're high on lack of sleep. He may not, but I'll regret this in the morning. So, I push him away and shake my head. "Caleb. We can't."

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