3. Bumping Into Each Other

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Waking up in the morning after you cried yourself to sleep sucks because not only does your face feel puffy but you have all that dried up stuff in the corners of your eyes that takes a billion years to fully pick out. 

I pull back my blankets and slip on my slippers before walking out of my room to head downstairs for breakfast. Unfortunately, I end up walking out of my room at the exact same moment as Caleb. "Shit" he chuckles as we collide. "Good morning to you too Little Matthews" he teases but I'm not paying attention to any of the words spilling out of his mouth because the second we collided his hands came out to clutch my arms and my skin is absolutely on fire. "Sky?" 

"Hm? What?" I ask, realizing he must've been talking for quite some time now. He laughs. 

"I asked how you slept?" he explains, letting me go and starting his decent of the staircase. I follow after him and shrug. There was no way I was admitting that I didn't sleep last night because his confession that he only saw me as a sister hit me like a ton of bricks on my heart. 

"Fine" I lie, sneaking past him into the kitchen where my parents were acting mushy as always. 

"Josh how do you expect me to get any food cooked when your arms are clasped around me?" my mom laughs, trying to break from his embrace. I look on at them and smile. They honestly were the cutest couple I had ever seen. 

"Don't tell anyone, but that's what I want someday" Caleb says, taking me by surprise. I look up at him confused. I wasn't expecting him to make any comment on my parent's lovey dovey attitudes let alone admit that he wished he could have that himself. 

"What?" I ask, not bothering to hide my confusion. He smiles, shrugging his shoulders. 

"Your brother is always giving me shit because I want an actual girlfriend instead of some girl to fuck around with but-" he trails off. "I don't know, what do you think?" he asks curiously. I smile.

"I think they're adorably nauseating" I agree. "I just never took you as the type to want a relationship" I admit. I always assumed he had the same mindset as my brother but perhaps I was wrong. He clearly wanted a girlfriend...he just didn't want me. "Are there any lucky girls you have your eye on?" I ask curiously. 

He chuckles, glancing back down at me. "Nice try Little Matthews" he says teasingly before walking into the kitchen and sitting down at the island. I sigh, standing there watching him until I feel a bump against my shoulder. 

"What're you doing little sis?" Jackson asks confusedly. "Is there a limit on how many people there can be in the kitchen?" he jokes. I shake my head and he looks back at Caleb and quirks an eyebrow at me. "There isn't anything going on with you and Caleb that I should be worried about, right?" he asks seriously. I roll my eyes. 

"No big brother. Everything is absolutely fine" I assure him, walking into the kitchen begrudgingly. I couldn't wait for these next two weeks to be over. 


I survive breakfast despite some awkward silences but getting to school proves to be a battle. "Hey, you want a ride today?" Caleb asks politely as I'm in the middle of composing a text to one of the twins to find out their ETA. I look up at him and bring my bottom lip between my teeth. 

"It's okay. The girls-."

"Are reckless as hell" he says, no hint of joking in his voice. "I watch them drive into the lot every damn day and every day I hold my breath waiting for them to hit something. I'm a much better driver" he explains. I stare at him blankly. I had never realized he was paying such close attention to me. 

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