18. Giving Ultimatums

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Three days. Three incredibly perfect days of being Caleb's secret girlfriend. We steal kisses when possible, steal a glance or two at school and at night, we meet up in the kitchen for Oreos. It's everything I never thought I would have and yet, I was really his. Finally. "Morning." This was another thing that he'd started doing; when my brother was showering he would sneak over to my room to get ready for school unbeknownst even to my parents who were downstairs making breakfast.

"Good morning boyfriend." I turn away from the mirror and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss and while it lingers for a moment, he pulls away all too soon.

"You know, I've been thinking that we should go on another date" he says, moving his hands to my waist while his forehead rests against mine. My lips quirk into a smile.

"Oh yea?"

"Yea" he agrees, his smile widening as he connects our lips in another kiss. This time though, neither of us pull away. Instead, he parts my lips with his tongue effectively deepening the kiss while my fingers thread through his hair, pulling at it gently. "We should really finish getting ready for school" he breathes when our lips part ways.

"I am ready" I reply, pressing myself against him. "Just one more kiss" I beg making him chuckle before he presses one last, deep kiss to my lips in concession. But unfortunately, my boyfriend is much more responsible than me. I groan as he pulls away, letting go of me completely.

"I'll meet you downstairs."

My lips turn to a pout that earns me another laugh and a quick peck on the cheek but he still turns away from me and starts the water for his shower. I know that's my official cue so, I turn to leave the room, grabbing my phone from the counter on my way out.

After that, I walk back into my bedroom and grab my bag, ready to head down for breakfast. And breakfast smells delicious. I drop my backpack in the foyer and head into the kitchen to find my parents bickering over the appropriate amount of butter to put on pancakes. A fight only my parents could ever have, really. "Morning."

"Oh hello sweetie" my mother beams, getting up from her spot below my father. "Let me get your plate."

While she does that, my father eyes me while pointing his finger towards the upstairs where the boys both were. "He's in your room. Is he not?" I press my lips in a fine line as my mom pushes a plate across the counter towards me. She tsks, placing her hand on my dad's shoulder.

"Josh. We trust her" she reminds him, kissing his cheek as she sits back down. He nods thoughtfully, picking his fork back up from the table while I take my seat across from him.

"I'm not disputing that and I know you think we have some double standard-." Yikes. Perhaps I wasn't that good at hiding my emotions as I previously thought. "But it's just-different and not because you're our daughter but because the object of your affection is living here."

"Dad." I shake my head, taking a large bite of my pancakes but deciding that I need more butter. My mom stifles a smile as she watches me reach across the counter while my dad rolls his eyes. "I like Caleb" I admit after looking over my shoulder to ensure that we're still alone. "But I'm not in love with him and really, he comes into my room to enjoy the shower because Jax hogs theirs. There's nothing like that happening. I promise."

Mom smiles, nudging dad. "See. Relax."

"Why are we relaxing?" Unsurprisingly, my boyfriend still beats my brother downstairs. "Morning beautiful" he adds, pretending to greet me for the first time this morning as he presses a kiss to my cheek.

"Um Caleb. They know." He furrows his eyebrows as he grabs a plate and grabs himself a few pancakes.

"They know...what exactly?" he asks, looking between my parents as he moves to take his usual spot beside me. There's a good amount of distance between us to keep up appearances with Jackson but he was still there when there were chairs elsewhere.

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