17. A Sweet Victory

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I'm woken up on Tuesday by a knock on my door. And the longer I lay in bed without answering, the louder the noise is getting. I groan, turning over to look at my phone for the time and while it wasn't too early, it was earlier than I normally got up. "What?" I yell, hoping that the person will go away and I can get my extra fifteen minutes of sleep.

"Damn. Someone's cranky this morning." His voice is light and teasing but still, the last thing I want is for him to think I'm upset with him for a reason outside of being woken up, so I get out of bed begrudgingly and walk over to my door.

"Yes?" I ask, pulling it open and finding Caleb on the other side wearing nothing besides the boxers he wore to bed. If I weren't half asleep I'd probably waste a couple seconds gawking at him like I usually do but I miss my bed.

"Can I use your bathroom again? Your brother has a serious issue." I chuckle. My brother did indeed spend too much time in the bathroom in the morning. Some mornings I was out before him. I'm reminded then as I think of my morning routine that I literally just rolled out of bed and am now standing in front of my crush, full bedhead, un-brushed teeth and make-up free.

"Um" I stutter, suddenly self-conscious about everything. He furrows his eyebrows, probably confused as to why I've suddenly lost my train of thought. "I mean, yea. Sure." I recover, moving out of the way and closing the door behind him once he's inside. Unfortunately, he doesn't take a step towards my bathroom. Instead, he's standing in front of me looking at me.

"What?" I snap, moving back towards my bed.

He chuckles, moving towards the foot of my bed while I slip back beneath the covers. "You're just cute" he says causing my eyes to widen in surprise. He couldn't be serious, could he? I didn't have a mirror in here but I knew that I looked like a hot mess. I had just woken up.

"I am not" I protest, hugging my knees to my chest.

"Whatever you say Matthews" he replies, turning to head to the bathroom. "I'll hurry so you can have your turn" he tells me before shutting the door behind himself and I smile. What I did to make the guy of my dreams actually like me back was beyond my comprehension.

Nonetheless, I wasn't going to question it but I also wasn't going back to sleep. At this point it would be a whole five or so minutes. So instead I grab my phone and text the girls, making sure that Blair is still coming to pick me up this morning before I start scrolling through Instagram.

Most of the posts are similar to what I see every day but there's one that catches my attention on Jemma's profile. It's throwback picture with the caption, time flies when you're having fun and the picture is with Caleb...from that party. I know because he came over here to pick my brother up that night so of course, I saw his outfit, jeans that had a tear in the left knee and a Hawaiian shirt. Jackson had decided on those shirts that night because he said it was a pun...you know because they were going to get laid.

And Caleb did get laid that night. And now the reminder was staring at me on Jemma's Instagram. "You okay?" Caleb asks, walking back into my room with those same jeans on now. The hole in the knee was bigger now and one to match just below his right knee too but they were his favorite so I suspected he'd wear them until they were nothing more than loose thread.

"I'm fine" I lie, closing out of the app before putting my phone back on the nightstand and climbing out of bed. "I'm gonna go get ready for school." I attempt to brush past him but he catches my wrist and pulls me back.

"Sky. Don't lie to me" he pleads. "What's up?"

I bite my lip, shrugging my shoulders. "It's nothing. Just Jemma being Jemma."

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