4. Another Day

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The next morning my alarm rudely wakes me up at six a.m and I feel like throwing it out the window. Sure it's my fault for watching Netflix until one in the morning but if school didn't exist then there would be no problem. I reach for my phone and lie in bed, scrolling through my socials and avoiding the reality of the day for a bit longer. Unfortunately I don't get to enjoy it for long. "Sky." 

I furrow my eyebrows and look at my door unsure why Caleb is knocking on my door. Deciding to see what he wants, I climb out of bed and walk towards the door, pulling it open and trying not to let my eyes linger on his torso that was still unclothed. "Yes?" I ask, leaning against the doorframe. 

"Morning" he smiles softly. "Would you mind if I got ready in your bathroom? Your brother is hogging ours" he explains. I chuckle. Leave it to my brother to have a morning ritual longer than most teenage girls. 

"Yea" I agree, moving out of the way and shutting my door behind him. He walks past me and heads straight for my bathroom while I collapse back onto my bed. I continue to scroll through my socials, stopping to screenshot a few shirtless pictures of Noah Centineo before exiting out of the apps and deciding to start getting ready. 

I walk over to the closet, pulling it open and standing in front of it hoping that something jumps out at me. "How about the green sweater?" Caleb interjects, walking into the room. 

I turn to face him and my heart stops in my chest. Today he had chosen to wear a pair of black jeans that were tighter than some of my jeans and a white polo shirt that hugged his biceps deliciously. I clear my throat. "W-why?" I ask, my voice cracking. He chuckles. 

"You look nice in green. It makes your eyes sparkle."

I furrow my eyebrows at him. "My eyes are blue. That literally makes no sense" I argue. He rolls his eyes. 

"Just take the compliment Skyler" he pleads. I bite my lip and nod my concession. "So, are you going to let me drive you to school today?" he asks but his question is left hanging between us since my phone starts ringing incessantly on the bed beside him. He picks it up and smiles. "It's Liam."

My eyes widen as I quickly snatch the phone out of his hand and bring it to my ear. It wasn't every day that I got the chance to talk to my brother so I would take the opportunity while it presented itself. "Liam" I exclaim. "Hi, how's New York?"

He chuckles as Caleb stands up and motions to me that he's leaving. I nod in understanding and take a seat back on my bed. "It's the same as it's been every other time you and mom have asked" he jokes. "How's school?" he asks curiously. 

I roll my eyes. "It's a place where I waste seven hours of my life" I reply honestly. I understood that getting an education was important but couldn't we get an education for maybe three hours a day starting at ten in the morning?

"Come on Sky, it can't be that bad."

I shrug. I suppose it wasn't too bad but on top of the stress I now felt at home it was overwhelming. "I guess. Did you uh happen to hear what else is going on lately?"

He huffs. "You mean Caleb staying there? Yea I heard" he replies, seemingly unamused. "How's that been?" he asks curiously. 

"Fine. We've always gotten along so-."

"He's a player Sky. He knows all the right things to say to get what he wants. Remember that" he says sternly making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion. If I didn't know any better I'd think-.

"Why warn me? I'm not going to be one of his conquests" I insist. I earn silence on the other side of the line that further confuses me but unfortunately I don't have time to over-analyze the situation since I need to get ready for school. "Nevermind" I add dismissively. "I should get going. Talk later?"

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