11. Making Decisions

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Stepping out of the car all eyes are immediately focused on both me and Caleb. It wasn't a secret around school that Caleb had hooked up with his fair share of girls nor was it a secret that my brother was his best friend so seeing him alone with me was cause for chatter. "Everyone is looking at us" he mutters under his breath, shifting closer to me. 

"Did you think anything else would happen?" I ask, looking up at him nervously. He sighs, grabbing the door and holding it open for me before we head off down the hallway. "I need to find my friends."

"You mean before they hear that you rode with me this morning?" he asks teasingly and I nod. My friends flipped out that I kept our little excursion at the ski lodge a secret; they'd freak out if I didn't tell them that I was getting rides to school now too. He reaches into his pocket and chuckles. "Your brother is pissed."

"Which one?" 

"Which one do you think?" he asks, pocketing his phone and looking around at all the people staring at us. "Okay, is it really that weird that we're hanging out?" I shrug. I didn't think it was odd but then again in my eyes he was just Caleb; the people around us saw the situation completely different, this was my brother's best friend, his wing man and I was the innocent little sister. 

"Skyler Elizabeth Matthews" Hunter scolds, appearing seemingly out of nowhere as the crowd parts to let him through. "You know, when I got into the car this morning and the twins told me that you were getting a ride with him I thought they were fucking with me."

Caleb chuckles while I roll my eyes at my best friend's antics. "I just needed to get out of the house and he was my fastest escape route" I explain simply. It wasn't a complete lie, I really did feel like I was suffocating in my house and needed an escape but I also knew that the girls would've gotten there as quick as humanly possible if I needed them. 

"Um rude" Caleb replies and I giggle, glancing up at him. "In that case I suppose I'll see you at home...you know, if your brother doesn't murder me first."

"Just tell him that the twins got their driving privileges revoked again for bad grades" Hunter suggests. "Or you could point out that any teenage girl in her right mind would rather drive with their hot, older crush rather than their annoying brother."

"Hunter" I exclaim causing my best friend to laugh while Caleb smiles, leaning down to peck my cheek.

"I'll come up with something. See you later sweetheart" he murmurs before walking away and leaving me weak in the knees. Hunter sighs, leaning against the random locker we were standing in front of as he watches Caleb walk away wistfully. 

"You're literally living in a romcom, you do realize that don't you?" he asks and I roll my eyes. Sure my life was equal parts drama and romance but I wouldn't categorize it as a romcom...at least not until I got my happily ever after. 

"Whatever you say Hunter" I giggle, grabbing his arm. "Come on, walk me to my locker."


Caleb's POV

He's waiting at my locker. I knew he was going to be pissed but I could only hope that he'd buy whatever lie I was about to spin so that I could live another day. "Nice of you to finally show up" he says, crossing his arms over his chest. "Where were you?" he demands and I bite into my bottom lip, scouring my brain for anything to say. 

"I-I was with your sister." Wow. Apparently I was telling the truth. Smart Caleb. Super fucking smart. Tell your best friend that you were spending time with the one person that he's forbidden you from seeing. 

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