16. A Whole Lotta History

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I'm in the middle of flipping to the back of my math book for the answer to the problem I was failing to solve when the front door opens. I fight with myself, attempting to keep my head down and not let my gaze drift to the door where I know my brother and Caleb are standing but I can't help it. It's like there's a magnet attached to Caleb that just pulls me to him in any situation. "Enjoy the slopes?" I ask casually, folding my arms over my book that was open on the coffee table.

I had started studying in my room but I was one of those people that couldn't work where she slept. So, I had come downstairs for a snack and a better think space. "I did" Jackson replies with a roll of his eyes. "This guy spent his entire time in the lounge...which is fine expect three fine ass girls asked for his number and he turned them all down." My heart pounds in my chest knowing that I'm the reason that he turned them all down. We may not have titles but it was clear that whatever we were, it was exclusive.

"They weren't that attractive. And most don't live anywhere near here. I'm not driving more than ten miles for a piece of ass." It floored me how easily Caleb could play this part and I attempt to remind myself that this is indeed all an act right now. If he strays off script then our secret is in danger.

"Alright, you've made a good point" my brother concedes. I roll my eyes as he slaps Caleb on the chest, telling him he's going to take a shower before disappearing upstairs. Leaving me and his best friend alone.

"So, the ski bunnies were ugly, huh?" He laughs, shrugging off his jacket before coming to take a seat on the opposite side of the coffee table. I close my book, knowing that I'm done with homework for the foreseeable future and focus my attention on him.

"They were fine, really. It's just that...your brother wants me to crave meaningless sex as much as he does. And I don't. I had my meaningless tryst and let me tell you, waking up the next morning after losing your virginity and not remembering anything about it sucks. If Jem hadn't been lying next to me the next morning I wouldn't have even known I'd lost it to her."

I had heard the stories of Jemma and Caleb. Jemma loved to brag about how she had bedded the playboy's wingman, the guy that gave every girl the time of day but never the pleasure of being underneath him. "Jem seems to remember it" I scoff, remembering too many details of the vivid stories that had spread across school like a wildfire.

Caleb rolls his eyes. "She doesn't remember anything. She's made the whole thing up, which is great for my reputation since she paints me as some sex god, but she was just as drunk as I was." I frown. Sure as teenagers we think our parents are overly dramatic about sex, making a big deal out of nothing but losing your virginity wasn't nothing. That much was apparent by how upset Caleb looks right now. He had wasted his first time for a drunken good time that he'll never remember.

"I'm sorry Caleb."

He smiles, reaching across the table and placing his hand over mine. "Don't be. Just learn from my mistakes, okay? Don't waste your first time on someone that doesn't deserve it." I didn't plan to waste it but I also couldn't tell him that I hoped it would be him, we've only kissed and we aren't even dating officially.

Lucky for me though, I don't have time to even attempt to put my foot in my mouth because my dad walks into the room, evidently not realizing that we're here. "I'm not going to make him see you" my father shouts and without even having to think, I know he's talking to Jackson's mom.

It was never a secret growing up that Jackson wasn't my mother's son just as it wasn't a secret that Liam's father was mom's late husband. We had a beautiful, blended family and it didn't matter to us one bit who was technically related to who. "Because Tiff, he's almost an adult and he's allowed to make his own decisions." He pauses, listening to whatever she has to say and Caleb takes the moment to nudge me.

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