12. Retail Therapy

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The next morning I wake up wishing that the night before was just some terrible nightmare and not my actual reality but my dry eyes and the pounding headache I had both reassured me that everything I remembered was my reality.  

Caleb had realized that his friendship with my brother was more important than anything that would ever happen between the two of us and I couldn't blame him. I wouldn't pick me over anyone, especially not my best friend. 

I roll out of bed and unlike most mornings I don't bother to get myself dolled up since I no longer had anyone to impress. Instead, I tie my hair up in a scrunchie to at least hide my awful bedhead before I head downstairs to eat...not that I was hungry. 

I spin around upon reaching the end of the stairs and find my oldest brother sitting in the kitchen with a bowl of oatmeal in front of him. I wrinkle my nose at him in disgust as I walk in, wrapping my arms around myself as the chill of the morning bites at my skin. "That's disgusting" I tell him and he laughs, taking a bite. 

"It's healthy and it's no worse than all the weird shit you eat" he replies though his eyebrows furrow as he takes in my appearance. Liam may not live with us anymore but he still knew me better than most and immediately I know he senses that something is wrong with me. "What's going on sis? You look like a wreck."

"Gee thanks" I reply, sliding onto the bar stool beside him and snatching his orange juice. "I had a rough night" I admit and he gazes at me intently without responding, clearly wanting me to elaborate further. I sigh, taking a long swig of his juice without protest. "He broke things off" I admit finally as I slide his juice back over to him. 

His eyes widen. "He did what?" he exclaims. My eyes widen as I place my hand over his loud mouth. 

"Liam he's literally upstairs can you please shut up?" I plead, removing my hand. He shakes his head, pushing his mushy breakfast away. 

"Yesterday morning you were singing that boy's praises and now you're telling me that he already fucked it up? What the hell happened?" he demands, albeit much quieter than before so as not to wake up the boy in question. 

I sigh, standing up and heading towards the fridge to get a glass of chocolate milk. "Jackson happened" I admit, turning around to face my brother and pouring my milk into a glass. "They're best friends-."

"Yes and I understand the bro code and all that but seriously?" he asks, leaning forward onto the counter. "You're telling me that a couple days ago he was fine with the idea of losing Jackson's friendship for you and then suddenly he just ends things? There has to be an explanation. Tell me the boy explained himself." I bite my lip, taking a sip of my milk. My brother's lips part in dismay. "You did let him explain himself, right?" I stay silent. "Skyler Elizabeth Matthews" he scolds, slamming his hand on the counter. "Are you telling me you just accepted this?"

"What else am I supposed to do? Besides, he probably just wanted to sleep with me anyway" I shrug but he shakes his head. 

"I was out of line when I said all those things yesterday. I judged him based on his friendship with our brother and the things that Jax has told me. I went too far" he confesses. Of course, I would've loved to hear this yesterday when I still had a chance with Caleb but now my brother's confession just hurt even more. Caleb was the guy every girl reads about in romance novels, the one that we all convince ourselves doesn't exist...except he does and he was living under my roof just upstairs from where I was currently standing. 

"It doesn't matter" I reply dismissively, finishing my milk. "It's over. Hell, it never even really started" I admit, glancing past my brother at the clock on the microwave. I really needed to head upstairs and get ready for school if I were going to make it on time. "And now, I have to get ready for school" I add, placing my milk in the sink. "That's for the talk big brother" I add, turning to leave but as do, the boys come barreling down the steps and my heart stops. 

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