5. Party of Two

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My phone vibrating on the nightstand beside me wakes me up early on Friday morning. I was hoping to sleep in to avoid having to cut down on the amount of time I would spend worrying about tonight's party but whoever was trying to get a hold of me clearly had other plans. "Hello" I murmur into the phone groggily.

Liam chuckles. "Tired little sis?" 

A smile tugs at my lips as I lie back, staring up at my ceiling. "You woke me up. What's up big brother?" I ask curiously. He rarely called me this early because he knew I'd probably be asleep so there had to be a reason for the early morning phone call. 

"Are mom and dad coming out here?" he asks and I bring my bottom lip between my teeth, trying not to ruin the surprise. My mom loved surprising us kids; it was one of her favorite pastimes. 

"Why would you think that?" I ask, trying my best nonchalance act but he groans. 

"Dammit. They're coming aren't they?" 

"Liam they miss you" I reply defensively, deciding to give up the act. It was clear that he knew they were coming so who was I to keep up the charade. 

"I miss them too but I have a life out here in the city. Fuck, I was supposed to have a date tonight" he grumbles and I chuckle, sitting up and resting my elbows on my knees. 

"A date? Is that code for you were supposed to have that chick from down the hall come over to have sex?" I ask bluntly. I loved both my brothers dearly but they were helpless when it came to relationships. 

"Semantics aren't important right now Sky" he argues. "Please make them stay home" he begs but I shake my head. 

"No can do big brother. Their minds are made up and besides, the boys are throwing a huge party tonight."


I furrow my eyebrows. "So? Um they'd get in huge trouble Liam."

"And? Jax would be forgiven and they'd probably just kick out Caleb" he adds causing my heart to drop into my stomach. I didn't want Caleb to leave. No matter how complicated his presence made things, I enjoyed having him here. We were almost becoming friends again after all these years. 

"I'm not letting them get busted. Just tell the girl that your parents are in town visiting."

"You mean tell her the truth?"

I roll my eyes. "Girls are a sucker for a man whose good with his family. Trust me, once mom and dad leave she'll be all over you."

Silence hangs over the line as he thinks over my words until finally he releases a deep sigh. "Alright fine but please be careful tonight."

"Don't worry about me. I'll probably just spend the entire night in my room, reading. 


My parents are already gone when I finally walk into the kitchen later that morning. It seemed they were getting an early start to get the most out of the their day in the city. "Morning Little Matthews" Caleb greets me as he strides in, his hair dripping wet from his shower. I swallow harshly as droplets fall gracefully onto the floor. 

"Morning Caleb" I reply, walking over to the fridge and pulling out a container of chopped up fruit. I pop a strawberry into my mouth before hopping up on top of the counter to pick out the rest. 

"Why are you only eating the strawberries?" Caleb asks after taking a swig of water and leaning against the counter across from me. 

"I hate pineapple" I reply, mentioning the other fruit inside the container. "But it's Jackson's favorite."

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