25. Losing It

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*A much shorter update than last week and this one gets a lotta bit scandalous. You've been warned*

"So, I'm assuming that this little sleepover was your idea." I don't bother turning around because I know exactly who the voice belong to and he could tease me all he wanted, I was keeping him under this roof if it were the last thing I did. "Were you gonna miss me that much?" He asks, stepping into my room and closing the door behind him.

I finally tear my eyes away from my task of tossing throw pillows off my bed and glare at my boyfriend. "Why wouldn't you tell me the real reason that your dad left? And that you refused to go with him?" I demand, crossing my arms over my chest.

Caleb's eyes widen and for a moment I can tell that he's trying to figure out exactly how I do know the details that he had conveniently left out. "Jax told you?"

"Guess there was one perk to us not speaking, yea?" I ask bitterly. Caleb sighs, walking across the floor and stopping in front of me, kneeling down so that we're on eye level. His hands rest on my knees.

"I didn't want you to worry" he explains simply.

I scoff. "Well, look how well that turned out."

"Skyler." He says my name in exasperation. "You don't need to worry about me. I can take care of myself."

"You shouldn't have to though" I argue, feeling myself starting to get worked up. I didn't want to fight with him but that was clearly where this was heading. "You're just a kid."

"Babe, I'm almost eighteen. I'm hardly a kid."

I purse my lips, pushing him away and standing up. "You're missing the point" I mutter under my breath, beginning to pace in front of my bed. "She could hurt you."

He moves to sit on my bed, turning his body just slightly so that he's facing me. "She could. Or she could drink herself into oblivion every night and forget I even exist. Either way, in two months I'll be able to move out and I won't have to see her ever again if I don't want to."

In theory that sounded great but there was one small little detail that my loving boyfriend seems to be forgetting. "Oh yea?" I ask, stopping and crossing my arms over my chest. "Where exactly are you gonna go?"

He pauses, the wheels turning in his head while I stand smugly at the foot of my bed. I'd gotten him.

"I've got a job" he says finally. "I'll be fine." I hum in response, not dignifying his foolishness with words. Instead, heading for my bedroom door. "Where are you going?" He asks frustratedly, standing as if he's going to stop me.

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know. I just need some time away from you." I tell him honestly, turning and walking out of my room and down the hall to the stairs.

My brother is sitting at the foot of them, his legs sprawled out on the bottom step and his phone in his hands. The sight makes me chuckle. "What are you doing?" I ask him, taking the steps slowly and stopping two steps above him.

"Texting" he replies, his fingers flying across the screen before he sends the message and lifts his eyes to meet mine. "What about you? Your conversation with Caleb didn't sound like it was going well."

I exhale deeply, resting my elbows on my knees. "He has all these ideas of how everything will just fall into place when he turns eighteen. It's unrealistic and stupid."

Jackson raises an eyebrow at me. "Wow. I don't think I've ever heard you say one bad thing about him before."

"Don't go getting excited. I'm still helplessly in love with him" I reply dismissively. My brother's lips surprisingly quirk into a grin.

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