Chapter 7 | This Afternoon

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The strength of a man

Isn't seen in the power of his arms,

It's seen in the love with which


- Dr. Steve Maraboli


I wake up the next morning with an empty and lonely feeling surrounding me as I lay under the warm and cosy blankets and duvet. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and hazily look around,

I smell burning.

I also hear lots of swearing.

I groan as I sit up and toss the blankets off me so I can stand. You know what? I might as well take one with me. So I pick a beige coloured blanket and wrap it around my frame, walking into where the chaos was happening.

"I really didn't wanna mess this up man, I wanted to impress her!" I hear Luke in a exasperated state. A small smile creeps up to my face. Does he really want to impress me?

"She doesn't seem like the type to care Luke." I see Michael say in a bored tone, as I peek from the doorway as Michael looks fed up with Luke's complaints. Calum sees me and quickly and turns back around just as the toast sets alight in the...


He really can't cook can he?

I duck back into hiding as Luke spots me with cooking gloves on and he groans.

"I saw you Shiloh." he says glumly. Walking slowly over to him I give him a small hug and take the gloves off him.

"It's okay Luke, I can help." I say, nodding encouragingly at him, he gives me a sly smile, embarrassed with himself.

Michael and Calum are smirking at the scene unfold, I glare at them and turn to Luke.

"Who's idea was it to put toast in the microwave?" I ask him in curiosity, cocking my head to the side. Luke simply points to Michael. Of course.


"Michael, can you grab some eggs, milk and flour? We are making pancakes for breakfast." I say proudly, challenging myself with teaching some teenaged boys to cook.

"Calum, play some music will you?" I order over my shoulder, I hear his foot steps walk out of the area, to most likely get a radio. Michael comes back with the ingredients, setting them down on the counters.

Liz suddenly walks in, sees us and runs out of the room. I look at Luke, he looks at me with a shrug. Calum comes back with a radio and cranks up the volume and I smile.


Lookin' like another Bob Marley day,

Hittin' from the bong like a diesel train,

And I'm down... Hanging out this afternoon

"Oh my god, this song!" Michael screeches out, belting the lyrics out, Calum laughing and joining in.

We've got weeds in the backyard 4 feet tall,

Cheech and Chong prob'ly smoked 'em all

Luke and I laugh at Calum and Michael, they were acting out the lyrics, pretending to smoke imaginary cigarettes. I start to sing along too, Luke as well.

So I'm out, on the couch

This afternoon

Beer bottles layin' on the kitchen floor,

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