Chapter 4 | Awkward

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Meeting the parents is the worst,

Especially if it's by accident and they get the wrong idea

It can either be good or bad



I stood back from the door in fear, I'm pretty sure wooden doors don't open themselves.

"Who are you?" A blonde haired older woman screeched as she walked straight past me and turned around, looking me dead in the eye. She looked at me with a serious look, I admit I felt extremely intimidated by her.

"Mum sto-" Luke started but was hushed by his mother, I now realise how bad this looked.

"Oh my gosh Luke! What the hell happened to your face?!" She snapped out of the stare down thing she was doing to me and rushed to Luke. Inspecting him thoroughly, making sure her baby wasn't hurt, I immediately felt bad. I fiddled with my hands, a habit I guess I picked up whenever I'm nervous.

"Uh, shall I just go?" I quietly say. She's probably so pissed at me.

"Yeah, it'd be best Shiloh-" Luke called out over his mums rambles of how much of a klutz he is and how he probably ran straight into a pole or something.

"Thanks for earlier Luke," I say, meaning it with sincerity lacing my words. I turn to exit the house by turning the door handle and walking down the street and pausing.

I take my phone out and call a taxi to pick me up and drive me home, not quite sure which area I'm at, making it impossible to navigate my way home. I tell the driver the closest street name and wait.

I send a quick text to Luke, hoping he'll get it later after his mother calms down, hopefully.

To Luke : Hey it's Shiloh :) hope your mum isn't mad at me

He was sweet to me, something I haven't witnessed from a person before. When you're bullied your whole life you don't exactly accept this treatment immediately, you're in this kind of daze I guess.

I have never really had a friend like Luke before, if I could call him that yet, he was persistent I would say, like me. I only ever had horses as a friend to be there for me, listening to every word I say, not telling anyone my secrets, just listening.

I pop my headphones in my ears and play some music to pass time.

As soon as I see the taxi making its way down the road I was next to, I stuck my hand out to indicate it was me who called.

It stopped next to me and I opened the backseat door, not feeling comfortable seating next to a stranger.

"Where will it be miss?" The man asks, voice layered in a foreign accent.

"Twenty-six Harvard Road please." I reply, reciting my address. I pull out my purse to check if I had any money to spare, thankfully I had a good twenty dollars left.


As the taxi slowed at the large gravel driveway I asked the man to not bother driving all the way down and that I would walk instead, handing him the majority of my money left as payment.

Hopping out of the taxi I started walking down the driveway, slowly because I had an idea. I let out a piercing whistle with my hands and waited.

Sure enough I hear the soft drum of a certain animal galloping towards the fence where I was. Ducking under the dark wooded fence I stood to watch Echo gallop towards towards me, with a piercing whinny, he stops in front of me. He makes sure to shove his dark muzzle into my hands, saying hello.

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