Chapter 8 | Killer

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Someone told me I was immature,

Guess who's not allowed in my treehouse now



Mum and Dad weren't home thankfully and the boys were currently checking out the Polaroid pictures on my wall. Michael and Calum were looking at snapshot of Echo, who was rearing on command. Luke however had stopped looking at the pictures and had walked over to the window seat, looking out into the paddock.

"Pretty cool, huh?" I whisper next to him, nudging him. He seemed to be in deep thought and snapped out of the trance as I nudged him with a jump.

"Yeah it is, who are the other horses?" He breathes out trying to remain cool, changing the subject.

"Miracle is the palomino, Faith is the old grey one, Jester is the piebald and Jade is the black coloured one." I reply, listing the horses names. They were each unique in their own way.

Faith was the most trustworthy out of the lot, apart from Echo, she was the first horse I ever rode, she's very quiet and is rather old by now. She was my mothers first horse, and was practically part of the family tree.

Miracle, though, had been abandoned by her previous owner and I had found her in a shed down the road, half starved and injured, she nearly died, hence the name Miracle. She was a very sensitive horse though. Only the slightest aids to be asked were needed.

Jester was named after his awkwardness when jumping, doing a half stop before the jump and then taking off, truly a hilarious sight. As well as his clumsiness. He was a natural jumper though and once you've figured out his technique in jumping he was a pleasant ride in competitions.

Jade was the smallest of the lot and was adorably sassy in ways, like how she flicked her tail when she passed other horses and stuck her nose in the air, or how she gives a little buck if you use a crop on her when it was totally uncalled for and unnessicary.

These horses are all owned by my family and I compete occasionally when we need money, I only take up small events though, not too big of an entry fee.

"What's a palomino?" Luke says, dragging out the last word.

"It's a colour of a horses coat when it has a white mane and tail and a cream coloured body." I explain, I mentally face palm as I remember he doesn't know horses like I do.

"Sick guitar Shi." Calum calls to me from the other side of the room, I see he found my guitar, and gave me a nickname.

"Shi?" I call back laughing.

"Gotta have some form of nickname." he turns to me grinning, Luke and I walk to him where the guitar was.

My guitar was my grandfathers. He left it for me after he died, heart attack was the cause.

It was a acoustic guitar, lyrics sprawled across the body written by myself and my grandfather over the past years.

'I'll hold you till the hurt goes away'

'If the world sang rather then screamed it would be nicer'

'Everyones so full of shit, born and raised by hypocrites'

Many more were scribbled in permanent marker on the smooth surface, memories held in each one, I had only written a few but I've had no inspiration lately, not really wanting to write the depressing ones I have listened to.

I lean down to grab the neck of the guitar and lift it with me as I go to sit on the bed, Luke sitting beside me. Michael sits on the window seat and Calum on the vintage armchair I had redecorated last year.

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