Chapter 17 | Back Home

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We had our fun, tired from our run,

But now it's all over and done



Flying home was stressful to say the least, crying babies and Luke got sick because of the cold weather last night. So I was constantly hearing sniffling and complaining, as well as a baby behind us.

"Shiloh, can I rest my head on you?" Luke sniffs out with red eyes, I simply nod a pull a pillow onto my shoulder for Luke to out his head on.

Since Luke was slightly taller then me, it was quite a reach for him to my shoulder so I just prayed it wasn't that uncomfortable.

Within minutes of flying, Luke was already dead asleep so I pull out my Steven King book out and continue reading from about half way into it.

Hey, I was a fast reader, okay?

"You alright there Shi?" Calum says as he sticks his head from his seat in front of mine.

"Yeah, Luke just needs some rest." I reply and he retreats back into the normal position, so I keep reading.

Ten minutes into reading I was quite anxious due to the scene and I hadn't noticed Michael creep up on me, I hadn't torn my gaze from the paper but I jolted in my spot as Michael blew a sharp breath of air into my ear, causing a loud sound down my ear canal.

"Far out, Mikey!" I shout-whispered at him, trying not to disturb the sleeping boy.

"Seriously?" Michael groaned and I see Calum watching me.

"What?" I exclaim in a hushed tone.

"You didn't swear!" Michael complains and my eyes widen.

"I don't swear, Mikey, I only give the silent treatment-" I explain with a smirk, "But you better run if I do, because I'd have to be really mad to swear."

This satisfies them which draws them back into their seats and I turn back to my book.

Luke starts moving in his sleep as I continue reading, he was tossing and turning, muffled noises escape his lips. They were like desperate pleads. His hands cling tightly onto the chair arms till his knuckles turn white and I start to get worried.

"No... Stop... Please-" I hear him say, the rest unknown.

I set my book down and slip my hand into his, tugging it away from the chair. He lets me do this surprisingly and I intertwine my fingers in his, in a attempt to calm him I use my other hand to draw shapes on the top of his hand as soft as possible. I bring our interlaced hands up to my face and I press a light kiss on the back of Luke's hand.

He looks like he's in so much pain.

His expressions is breaking my heart.

I've gotta wake him up before this gets out of hand.

"Lukey, wake up." I say to him with a gentle voice, I give him a slight shake to really wake him.

When he opens his eyes, I see that they are filled with tears. Tear brimming on the edge, threatening to fall. I bite my lip and I wipe my thumb under them so they burst onto my thumb before they become noticeable down his cheeks.

"You okay?" I mumble and he sniffles slightly with a nod. "Liar-"

"I don't wanna talk about." he says quietly, interrupting me slightly and my heart cracks as he looks so sad, I never want to see him in such sorrow ever, and this was why.

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