Chapter 3

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The sound of a snap was heard followed by the grumble of something small, the soft yet deep grumbles of something large mixing with it could be heard in the small forest clearing. Inhaling sharply a large vibrant green, cat-like eye snapped open, the pupil shrank to that of a slit. Head snapping up, Sunflower looked around in alarm, not recognizing her surroundings at all.

'Wha... where...'

The sound of a bird chirping drew her attention up, her gaze looking up at the tall trees that surrounded her. Most looked dead or sick, long dark trunks that had a few branches before stretching into a canopy of leaves or pine needles; if they had any at all. There were some bushes and grass around, but mostly it was rocks and dirt, with roots and fallen trees littering the ground.

A sheen of fog made things seem darker than it should, or maybe it was just that way naturally.

One thought stood out amongst the jumbled thoughts running throughout her head: This was not her home.

Exhaling, a puff of smoke left her nostrils like curly wisps of one's breath on a cold winter morning. A small growl left her throat as she inhaled again, noting how nothing smelled the same. She knew that this wasn't her home because unless she happened to be in part of the cold dragons' territory, it was never this cold or dark, not even after a storm it wasn't. It was at the sound of another low grumble that Sunflower remembered she wasn't all that alone; memories of what happened the night before came flooding back, sending a low growl rumbling throughout her chest. Suddenly very aware of another presence closely pressed up beside her, the Sun Fury nearly had a heart attack upon turning her head where she saw the large black mass lying beside her.

'Him!!' A growl bubbled up in the back of her throat a how close he was to her. She didn't like it when dragons she barely knew or trusted got close to her, and since he was more than close to her, she was ready to kill him. Eyes narrowing into tiny slits, Sunflower felt her lips curling up over her sharp white teeth in a small growl like snarl, narrowed eyes locked directly on the male who lied unconscious on his side. Letting out a small hiss, Sunflower tried too snap away from him only to get nowhere when her wings wouldn't budge, a searing pain shooting through her left wing.

"Gahh!" Crying out at the pain, she looked down to see that the male was laying directly on top of it, crushing it to the point that it actually felt numb the more she focused her attention on it. Unintentionally jerking back, she let out another cry of pain. "Ahh... M-my wing!"

No. No, no, no, no, no. No! This... this was bad! How was she supposed to get away now?! She couldn't just sneak off now without the stupid male waking up! She had to get free. Now! What if a human found them?! She'd be dead! Deader than dead! Clenching her teeth, Sunflower tried to tug again only to have the same result as the last; a sharp pain followed by a strangled cry like yelp. She was a bit panicked now. Her wing was pinned, and from the looks of it, it severely damaged or possibly broken. Leaving her grounded on an island that was infested with humans and an idiot male Fury!


Getting a bit twitchy, Sunflower tried to pull again. She'd rather drag around a broken wing and hide in a cave of treetop then stick around with this idiot buffoon! It was because of him she was here in the first place! Growling, she began to trash a little, maybe she could wake him just a bit so he'd move. Once her wing was free she'd then worry about her binds hopefully be able to run off without any human or buffoon interference where'd she would find a place to hide until her wing healed. 'Come on! Get off! Get off!'

As she moved part of her plan actually worked!

The Night Fury did, in fact, move but not as much as she would have liked as her wing was still pinned underneath him. How was this thing still asleep?! Like sure, Sunflower could be a deep sleeper at times but she usually woke up when someone started poking her -- this buffoon should have bloody woken up from her thrashing about! Just to add to her growing aggravation, it was then that she also took note of the strange-looking vines that were tightly wrapped around her and the male's bodies. WHAT?!! Oh, come on! first the dumb black idiot, then her wing and now this! The world must truly hate her.

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