Chapter 8

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"Hiccup, we need to talk!" Was the first thing to spill from Asta's mouth as she entered the forge. The loud "Gahh!" followed by a clatter of tools had the redhead striding towards that area, finding the brunette boy hurriedly trying to pick up what he had dropped upon her entry. Asta took a moment to look around, eyes landing in the brown leather that suspiciously looked like a saddle. Almost instantly her mind clicked to what it was for; he was going to try and ride the dragon!


The boy jumped slightly and turned around, eyes wide like a child who got caught playing with their parents ax. Mouth opening and closing like a fish gasping for air, Hiccup shot up and clumsily covered the saddle in an attempt to hide it fro her with a nervous laugh. "H-hey, Asta!" He greeted, maneuvering in front of it even more. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, you know, was just walking around and thought "Hey! Maybe my BEST friend who tells me just about EVERYTHING would want to hang out with me." So I came here after stopping by your house," Asta narrowed her eyes as tried to get a better glimpse of the large leather. "What are you doing?"

"... Y-you stopped at my house?" Hiccup paled as his mind raced to everything still scattered around. She was... Oh. Oh, this wasn't good. Please tell him she didn't see...

"Oh yeah," Asta went on while leaning forward with a smile. "Your sister let me in. What's that?"

"Nothing!" He all but squeaked, now panicking. "It's nothing. Nothing to worry about. Hey, it's late, why don't go home? We can talk tomorrow," Hiccup grabbed her by the arms, spun her and around and began pushing her towards the door. "OK? So we're good. Good night, see you later and--"

"-- I don't think so, Forge Boy," Asta stomped her foot into the ground before reaching back and grabbing Hiccup by his arm and judo flipped him over her shoulder. Placing a foot down on his chest and placing her hands on her hips, Asta looked down at him with a small smirk. "What's the rush, Forge? I'm not that terrifying, am I?"

The faint lighting coming from the forge fires accented her eyes and hair in the shadows of the Blacksmith hut. Her eyes sparkled in mischief of a fiery temper, a glint that clearly stated that she knew something - and that made Hiccup nervous. Gulping, he tried to push her foot off but failed to do so as she only pressed down harder while flipping her braid off of her shoulder. Asta always preferred a single loose braid that fell down her back; it was easier to make and take down, and as she claimed, if she needed to make a quick cut she didn't have to worry about all the different layers of hair that'd be different lengths.

Looking closer, Hiccup realized she had changed her outfit. A cloudy grey short sleeved top that had some stitching at the collar, black baggy pants tucked into a set of dull red leg warmers that were also covering her grey boots and on her wrists were black cloth tied with burnt orange ribbon; over all that she wore what looked like a combination of a vest and thin dress - it was a dull red with gold detail at the bottom and top, the straps were thin but not by much a button at the torso held it together. Around her waist, she wore a sash-like belt with a black bag draped over her shoulder;

Studying it, Hiccup couldn't but note how un-Viking it looked. The only thing that screamed Viking about the whole look was the big sword strapped to her back which glinted dangerously in the light.

"Asta, could you remove your foot, please?" Hiccup grunted as he tried to sit up.

"Don't think I will," Asta smirked before narrowing her eyes. "Now, what the hell is it you're making? Looks like... it looks like a saddle."

"Saddle? I-it's not a saddle. Why would you think that?" Hiccup panicked slightly. "Better yet, why would I be making a saddle? There's nothing to use it for, so..."

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