Chapter 17

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Life was a funny thing sometimes, Asta had decided a long time ago. One day you could be lying around your house wondering why you were even alive while the boredom smacked you in the face with all its might making you wish for something to do, and the next day, you are suddenly thrust into a situation that forces you to get up and do something, leaving you wishing for the boredom. Now, Asta wasn't one to complain once thrown a difficult challenge (most of the time) and often took it head-on with a sense of cockiness that she was sure one day get her killed or worse, but at the moment she was kind of regretting sticking her nose into Hiccup's business and getting tossed into this whole dragon mess.

As far as she was concerned, the Night Fury; they were considered to be the most dangerous dragon species for a reason; was about to take them to their deaths - not that she would mind Astrid dying, of course - and the redhead was actually beginning to consider grabbing Hiccup and jumping off of the wacky beast.

Sadly, her body seemed frozen in place.

"Ack!" Asta flinched, her body lurching a bit at the sudden dive, leaving her to quickly grab the front of the saddle tightly as Hiccup grabbed her, and Astrid him.

"Toothless, what's happening?" The boy received no grunt or grumble, it was like he wasn't even heard as Toothless dove into a mass of dark, gloomy clouds. Though the more she gazed, the more they appeared to actually be a thick mist. A sharp cold air hit the three as Toothless flew at tremendous speeds into the unknown. Looking around she felt a shiver run down her spine; it was a little too dark for her tastes. Something didn't feel right. Her suspicions were answered when the Night Fury made a bank to the right, startling the three and Hiccup's growing question of, "Whoa, what is it?" before he made a quicker dodge back to the left with a bark-like growl, almost as if he were trying to say 'Quiet!'.

Squinting, Asta flung herself back into Hiccup as a large dark shadow appeared out of the mist, a small squeal leaving as she grabbed for her friend's hands, not even bothering to snap as Astrid grabbed at the back of her shirt having noticed the large shape as well. Hiccup noticed their stares and quickly felt dread pool in his stomach as a Monstrous Nightmare flew out of the misty shadows, something clutched tightly in its claws; something Asta couldn't quite see and wasn't sure she wanted to know what it was.

"Get down!" The scrawny Haddock hissed, pushing the redhead forward so she was laying pressed against Toothless' neck, the pressing his own body down tightly upon hers and Astrid his.

"... Hiccup..." The usual firecracker of a girl whispered. "L-look."

Astrid and Hiccup glanced to were she was nodding and shrank down lower as a Deadly Nadder shot clumsily from the mist, it too carrying something. Asta's hands suddenly felt a little clammy and, if anyone were to mention this in the future she would deny it vigorously, a stab fear gripped her being. There was something wrong. Maybe it was the purring like croons that were echoing all around them or the clumsy yet formidable way they all flew in unison, like a bunch of brainless servants carrying their prey. Maybe it was the dark misty atmosphere. Or perhaps it was the hundreds of dragons starting to fly around them, fading in and out of the fog like the goddess Hel had her hand in play, perhaps counting down on the lives of the three teens before she struck them with death. Maybe it was all of the above; whatever it was, it was enough to cast out any jealousy, all her senses screaming and on high alert - she didn't need to be a Viking, or a dragon, to know that there was a great danger here.

And what that was, she did not know.

Dragon roars and growls and before the quartet know it they are boxed in by Deadly Nadders, Monstrous Nightmares, Zipplebacks and Gronckles; hundreds upon hundreds of them. Boxing them in from all corners.

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