Chapter 21

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That stupid, idiotic, imbecilic, simpleton of a half-witted fool!

Who did he think he was, hmmm? Taking advantage of her in her most impressionable state of mind when she was alone and scared and hurt by the world's cruel ways of sniveling dragons who could care less about a Fury, delayed in growth or not. She can't believe that egg brained moron would stoup as low as to try and claim a mate in such a way he did. What's even worse, she fell for it, hook, line, and sinker. Ooooh, how she despised him right now! That... that cretinous featherhead! His sneakiness left her in a strange state of dumbfoundedness and she was more than positive that she despised the feeling. No, she more than despised it, she abhorred it. Detested it. Loathed it. Abominated it!!

And yet... deep under it all, she was actually rather impressed and almost silently applauded him for being so clever, even at a young age.

What other male would have thought of trapping a sweet, young, hatchling in such a serious thing when he knew his chances at actually getting a mate were a slim chance to zero? Sneaky, very, clever.

However, the keywords were deep under and almost; she wasn't that impressed to actually voice it.

'Why?!' She moaned while shooting through a wall of clouds. 'Why would you agree to be his mate?!' Even then under all that tiny framed, big sparkly eyedness, he was a squirming ball of evil. The way he got so flustered when he realized his little trap had worked should've alerted to evil intentions. He had been too kind, too shy, hiding behind his confusion and fake case of embarrassment, it disgusted her on how easily she fell for such a trick. 'To add an icicle to the heart he helped you fly!'

Yes... apparently pure elation was what she had needed to feel to kick start her ability to fully take flight. And she hadn't been happier than when she heard the word's "I'll be your mate" come out of his silver-tongued mouth.

He had NO idea how important those words are! None!.

He had taken advantage of an important thing and used it for his own selfish gain! And though now she might no longer care about having a mate - she didn't want one, not right now - she was NOT going to let something like this go. Not when there were obvious diabolical intentions involved, something that would've trapped her in something she hated!

Those words...

Those words were something every dragon, even at such a young age, wanted to hear - especially on the island she had once lived. There, mates were chosen at a young age and paired with each other after only a few months of hatching that way the two could grow up together and form an unbreakable bond. Sure, sometimes the pairings were wrong but most stuck, and since they rarely moved islands, there was no need for losing anyone... the issue with Sunflower and her family was, well, just that. They were the only Sun Furies left alive. Her father was killed by something unknown while her mother was pregnant, leaving her to flee as he stayed behind to protect her; her brothers were in the same predicament after they all hatched... so for someone of the same species to come along was a miracle in itself, then for a male her age to ask her to be his... even with her stunted growth, it was like the sun itself gave her a gift. Granted a year later a couple of Light Furies settled in, one of which would end up being the mother of Lightglider but she didn't come until a year and a half after and by then, it was too late.

You see, a threat had risen and all the adults took flight to go and protect their young, other dragons from other places joining the long battle. Sunflower remembered it all well, thoughts she had tried to lock away.

She remembered the skies darkening, she remembered hiding in a mini hole in one of the walls in their cave, a strange coldness seeping in and the screaming shrieks of her two brothers before nothing. She had stayed there for Moon knows how long before stumbling out upon the sight that would scar her forever. Her brothers' bodies were broken and dull like all life was torn from them, her mother's own body wingless and stripped of its tail fins. Her once glowing scales missing and throat slit... she had been so terrified that she ran. Ran like a coward. This was how she stumbled upon a nest with only a day old Light Fury tucked inside, the last female of her kind which was a horrible fate to strike Sunflower... it forced into also acknowledging that she too was now the last of her kind.

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