Chapter 18

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"Well, I can show my face in public again! If someone had told me that in just a few short weeks, no months, Hiccup would go from being, well... Hiccup, to placing first in Dragon Training... Well, I would've tied him to a mast and shipped him off for fear he'd gone mad!" Loud whistles and cheers followed the laughter of the large group of Vikings that stood in front of Stoick the Vast as he spoke. "Yes! And you know it! But here we are. And no one's more surprised...or more proud than I am. Today, my boy becomes a Viking. TODAY, HE BECOMES ONE OF US!"

Standing in the opening of the rock tunnel that entered the arena with eyes peering up at the large crowd was Asta Bergljót in all her glory as she leaned against a nearby wall with her arms crossed as she let out a scoff, her eyes rolling in an over-exaggerated. "Tch! What an ass!" Turning to the brunette boy who looked highly uncomfortable and less than thrilled to be there, she jabbed a thumb in the crowds' direction. "Can you believe this guy? Such a jerk. Wouldn't want to be his kid... Oh, wait."

The corners of Hiccup's lips turned up slightly while he glanced up from his helmet with every inch of his face dripping in sarcasm. "Ha-ha, very funny Asta."

"Thanks," She grinned almost savagely. "No, honestly though, what a jerk. I know he was disappointed in you but to actually go around and declare it to the whole village... Gods, that is a low move."

The annoyed look on his face on had her grinning wider, obviously, she was pleased with herself. "Thank you, Asta. I feel so much better."

"What can I say? It's what I do. Besides, it seems to have worked, you aren't looking like someone just killed your favorite chicken anymore," She had a bit of a point. He had been acting all mopey since she stumbled upon him this morning outside her house with his Viking helmet (made from one of his mother's breastplates) clutched tightly in his hands. He had looked so lost, almost like a puppy, as he stood there looking at her as if she would snap and bash him upside the head that any annoyance she still held from the previous night faded; don't get her wrong, she was still ticked off, her best friend was fraternizing with her enemy why wouldn't she, but she had stuffed that back into the back of her mind for now. "Why are you all moody anyways? Can't you just go up to your old man and say you don't wanna fight the dragon, run away, then hitch a ride on Toothless and leave? Oh, and find my dragon and send her back for me so I can get out of this Hel whole."

Yes. She still thought of Sunflower being her dragon. Another reason she was so angry with Twinkle Toe's sudden involvement. If the nosey blonde had stuck her nose into their business, she hardly doubted Sunflower would've tried to kill them all and left.

Hiccup sighed as he glanced back down at his helmet. "It's not that easy, Ash... You know this. Have you met my dad? There's no reasoning with my dad, not when he sets his mind to something."

Despite her nose scrunching up in distaste at the nickname, she raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "Hmm... now, who does that remind me of?" Sighing softly she moved away from the wall and over towards her friend. "Okay, so maybe you have a point, Forge Boy. But! You have to at least have some kind of plan. You aren't going to kill the dragon, that much I already know. You aren't going to talk to your dad. So what are you going to do?"

Staring down at the rugged metal of the helmet the boy pressed his lips into a thin line, mouth going dry as he thought over what he was planning to do. Words weren't exactly a good thing with his family, as he learned. Talking to each other was awkward and they always seem to mess, and since that was the case, explaining this to his dad would've just ended in a major disaster. No. He needs to show his father that dragons weren't dangerous. That they could all coexist together if either side gives each other a chance. Everyone needed to see this. Asta has, and now Astrid, the top rookie who would've been the hardest to sway. If Astrid could see the good in them... surely his father could, right?

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