Chapter 5

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Roars rang from the tall mountain in the skies as various dragons flew into the entrance of a cave that was lit in a faint orange hue as sticks of fire lined the walls. Shadows of various beast lined and crowded into a large opening of a cavern where a large four-winged Fury with blood-red eyes stood. His pointed antennas flicking slightly as shouts were thrown at him left and right.

"Is it true? Has the shadow returned?!"

"You said we would be safe!!"

"Wh-what if it leads those humans to us?!" A frantic voice bellowed. "We're all going to die!"

"Why aren't you sending out more scouts?!"

Letting out a deep growl, he raised his wings and roared so loud it shock everything, lose pebbles falling from the roof and shadows seemed to leap up from the floors and walls. "SILENCE!!!"

Everyone seemed to freeze before all eyes turned to the front, a few squeaking at the red eyes that glowed in rage. Deathslayer scary when he got like this, him being the oldest there and possibly the strongest, he was all but unofficially the elected leader of the Paradise region. Everyone went to him with any major issues and his word was rule - though there were a few that ignored him and did whatever, especially those with opposing powers.

"Now," He took a deep breath after a moment. "As you all know, a few months ago a group of Capalas spotted a strange darkness growing from the Eastern Isles of Thana, it having seemed to grown and spread out slowly." He paused, looking around. "What none of you do know is that it grows bigger and stronger with each marine filled area it covers; leeching the life away. I fear that as it makes a course back towards our Islands, it'll become stronger; strong enough to break past our barriers and destroy everything--"


Loud roars and shouts cut him off once again. Dragons of various kind shifted and chattered nervously while others rose and stomped the grounds in great bone-shaking shakes. Fear and panic-filled them as soon as they heard this news. How could Deathslayer not mention this sooner? Were they even safe?


"We should leave, leave and hide!"

"I agree. What about one of those emergency Islands?"

"Why didn't you tell us?!" A Deadly Nadder splayed her spikes, teeth bared. "Our lives are at risk here, why did you keep this from us?!"

Roars of agreement rang out, a Monstrous Nightmare shouting over the noise. "He wants us all to die, that's why he didn't say anything. Never trust a Shadow Fury or any kind of Fury."

"That's it!" A screech rang out, a glistening white-blue dragon shot into the air. "I'm tired of your constant bashing of our kind! What about you? You and your big fat body always setting our homes! If anything, you and your kind are worse then mine!"

Growls and roars rang out again, some in protest and others in agreement, nods, and murmurs flying rapidly as all eyes turned towards the two bristling dragons. The cavern seemed to take on two temperatures, an ice-cold one on the left side and burning like a furnace. Steam rose as the two temperatures collided.

"We wouldn't be setting things on fire if you Furies didn't build your homes in stomping grounds!" The Monstrous Nightmare hissed.

"Stomping grounds?!" The Ice Fury snarled. "You aren't supposed to be in the Northern parts! That is the territory of the Ice and Snow dragons!"

The male dragon just snorted and rolled his eyes. "I don't see your names written on it. No name, free reign. You don't like it, leave, go join your relatives outside the borders... Oh wait, you can't they're all dead," The Nightmare snorted in amusement. "For you Furies being so strong and feared, you sure are dumb and weak if a little fleshy can kill you."

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