Chapter 9

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"Oh... My... Gods!" She whispered as the dragon moved closer which allowed her to get a better view. "... It–it's a bloody red Night Fury!"

Stumbling back was her first mistake. Pulling out her sword and pointing it up at the creature was her second mistake. The dragon growled even lowered and with one quick movement, blasted the metal away with a fireball.

Asta jumped with wide eyes as her weapon fell into the darkness before she turned back to the red dragon who was snarling. She could only let out shuttered breaths as she noticed how much closer the creature had gotten and the glow that was building up in the back of its throat. Before she knew it, the dragon was lunging at her with a roar and Asta went tumbling back with a loud horrified scream that echoed through the night.


Most Vikings would do what was expected of them if they were to come across a dragon, especially that of the Night Fury breed. They would kill it without a second thought or care in the world. It was something they did, something their families and friends did for hundreds upon hundreds of years. Vikings were a brave and strong and smart kind of people; warriors, seafaring pirates and feared amongst the world. For generations they have been feared amongst other villages and kingdoms; who wouldn't? These people took down the mighty beasts called dragons without a problem, they raided their kingdoms and villages with great strengths. They truly were one of a kind, especially those who resided on Berk... but despite their fearsome reputation, the Vikings weren't as horrible as people liked to claim they were.

Sure, they were tall and unnaturally muscular, some extremely smelly and hideous beyond the moon and stars and back, but that didn't mean they were evil - at least, not most of them. They had feelings and families too. They fought the dragons to survive, something they were taught to do since they could walk and talk.

But not all were the same.

Though there were some who were different; some who killed for the fun of it, those who killed to satisfy their bloodlust, others to survive and some who killed out of pure revenge. There were some who actually felt guilty for taking a dragon's life but kept quiet because it would simply be the utmost un-Viking thing to ever think or say and there were the cowards and the credit takers.

But then there are those who are completely and utterly useless and considered the screw ups of the island. Ones so different, even their appearances weren't the same as the rest; their mentalities not as hardwired for fighting like the rest.

And sadly, for one certain red-haired girl, that just so happened to be her life...

Asta didn't know what was worse, her burning legs that felt they were about to melt away and pounding heart, or the fact that just committed the act they would have her disowned by not only her family but the entire village were they to find out. But the fear of being killed overweighed that thought as she pushed herself to go faster.

She knew that she couldn't stop despite the screaming pain in her legs demanding for a rest, the giant red-winged lizard of burning fury chasing behind her made sure of that.

With the thought of said beast in mind, Asta sucked in a breath and pushed herself to move, stumbling a bit as her jelly legs nearly gave away from under her. The large violent cracks coming from the branchy coverage seemed to re-boost her adrenaline that she was so dearly beginning to need. Dashing into the row of large trees that bordered the clearing she had entered Asta mentally kicked herself for running in the opposite direction of the village where she could have gotten help.

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