Chapter 20

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If Asta was alive a hundred years from then she would deny ever being afraid on this day.

Lying pinned under the foot of an angered creature that was getting so close to ripping her to shreds, no remorse is shown as it peered down at them with its icy aqua orbs. She hated second of this moment, her arm screaming in a pain she hadn't felt since she fell off that one cliff and stabbed her leg through with that darn rock years ago. Terror gripped at her heart with ice-cold clutches. It was so chilling that for a moment, she had believed that, for a split second, that perhaps the demon snow monster had stabbed her through with some hidden claw or its tail, but there was no stabbing pain other than that of her hand and arm and the crushing feeling of her back and ribs. The realization that it was just fear had her shaking in her spot, breathing becoming much harder as she was pressed down into the quivering brunette below her.

She didn't like it; not one little bit.

"N-nagh..." She clenched her eyes shut as the foot pressed down even more. She could feel its claws scrape against her skin, ripping through the fabric of her clothing like the blades of a sword. The shutter that racked her body was unpleasantly queasy as the dragon's cold breath brushed over her skin like a wind from the winters, tiny prickles of ice like a thousand needles pelted her. She could hear the opening of its mouth as it drew closer and the way the saliva stretch out between its teeth. A million thoughts of how her life would end flashed through Asta's mind as the strangled whimper rattled off from her throat.

Everything but her arm had gone numb and she swore her brain was shutting down, she knew there was no escaping this mess on her own and she didn't want to accept that truth, but perhaps that was just the dread that was weighing her limbs down and the paralyzing fear rendering her unable to feel anything.

'I don't want to die this way!' Was the only thought she could think whilst she buried her head into Hiccup's shoulder. Oh, gods, Hiccup! She nearly forgot about him for a moment. Shakily cracking her eyes open, she struggled to turn her gaze towards her friend instead of the giant mouth. This is it, she thought. At least she'd be going first. Maybe while the thing was munching away on her corpse the others would be able to save the brunette. 'I'm sorry Hiccup.'

And just as she was ready to welcome the death that awaited her in a world of anguished screams and pain, the sound of a shrieking roar and frightened yells met her ears.

"NIGHT FURY!! Get down!"

The ringing sound of a resonating blast hitting metal echoed through the air, shaking the arena and sending a massive explosion of hot ashy smoke was the only thing Asta could see in the next time slowing minutes, all she could feel, could taste. It was like that of a humid day where a thin layer of sweat would form on one's skin, uncomfortable and just hot enough to make you think you were dying slowly from having your blood boil from the inside. Particles of ash clinging here and there from the metal of the railings that Toothless (ever the heroic Night Fury) had combusted into nothing with what she assumed was a plasma shot from the sound that was emitted and the blinding flash that had followed, leaving a series of transparent bubbles dancing in her vision.

From the startled scream of the dragon and widening of Hiccup's eyes the redhead could only assume that Toothless had, idiotically, entered into the Ring. The dragon on top of them jolted back with a shriek, its pressure he was applying down upon them increasing tenfold for a moment as if it were trying to regain its balance. It was enough to crush the two teens even more, however, their much more fragile bodies only being able to withstand so much before they would succumb to the great force, Asta's arm twisting painfully as her body tilted slightly and Hiccup's body crushed down upon it even more.

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