Chapter 6

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Sunflower let out a purr as she lied sprawled out in the sunlight, body stretched out slightly on its side and head resting on her paws while her tail curled around her body. Luckily it was another bright and sunny day and the cove happened to be in the direct hotspot of the sun, allowing it to always be bathed in its glorious rays of golden light. Her wings were spread out on either side of her body taking in the warmth that would help recharge her fiery spark that helped in sustaining her powers without fail.

Her love for the sun seemed to be something that had to do with her type, it was in her name after all.

Normally she would fly up and get as close as possible, but due to her wing's inability to withstand the force of holding her body up in the air without snapping and sending her spiraling to a possible worse injury or death, she settled for sunbathing on a large rock near the water. Though she did feel a little bit better, the pain seemed to have subsided just a little over the night and that pleased her greatly. Soon she would leave and go back home, back to her duties as a protector.

Letting out a small huff, she opened her eyes and raised her head. "Must you watch me, Toothless?"

A small growl sounded from above her which had her head snapping up towards the Night Fury who hung upside down in the tree like a bat. His green eyes flashing in annoyance as a smug look crossed the female's features. It had been a couple of days since the whole drawing fiasco and the name-giving; not knowing what Nightstriker's real name was the human hatchling had decided to name the Night Fury Toothless, which had Sunflower all giddy at having something else to annoy him with.

"Really? I have a name, a real name, can't you use that?" He huffed with a small growl. Sunflower just snorted and shook her head as she settled back down.

"Why should I? You have no authority over me, and besides, it fits you perfectly. The human did a good job in naming you." She paused for a second. "On second thought, he should've named you Brainless."

"Why are you always so cruel to me?" Toothless snapped in annoyance. "I've done nothing to you."

"It's your fault I'm stuck here—"

"—You're still going on about that? I already apologized for that," He cut her off with an irritated growl. Why couldn't she just accept it? What's he going to have to do? Bow down and kiss her talons? "You can't hold that against me forever, there's no way you can. If you are then I can hold the strangling me thing against you too. So unless it's something really good, or against the humans or someone who's done you wrong and has taken everything away from you like a stupid Whisper- Nevermind, the point is, it was an accident. Let it go."

Sunflower narrowed her eyes at the almost indicated challenge. Her ego almost being pierced by his words which set off her warning bells in her head, the obstinate side of her rearing its ugly head once more as all joking modus operandi left her in a flash. Still going on about it? What-- Oh, that stupid featherbrain was going too—!! Sudden images of the dragoness burning him to death flashed through her mind as she let out a huff 'No. Don't do it Sunflower. You said would try and get along with him... You can silently hate him.' She wondered if he's ever run into female dragons who knew how to hold grudges for a long period of time. Sunflower laughed sarcastically before she let out a sigh, looking at him as he let out an annoyed huff. Grimacing, she begrudgingly decided to try and play nice. Despite the want of ripping his face to shreds. Besides, Aura had said she needed to start acting nicer towards other dragons, might as well start now...

'But Aura is not here, what she doesn't know won't harm her, OR you,' That was true, but the Light Fury always seemed to figure out if she was treating a dragon kindly or not, and Sunflower was sure as heck not up for another lecture on how to "Properly Treat Your Fellow Dragons", though it was kind of hypocritical of Aura to lecture her when she'd turn around a box Orion in the face or get snippy with someone who'd annoy her.

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