Chapter 13

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"Isn't this exciting?" The overexcited chirp was barely a whisper despite the sharp look that was sent by the resident male human, but the Sun Fury just ignored it as she continued to bounce around next to Toothless. She was the epitome of the dragon version of a bubbling child, her eyes brighter than usual with no sign of aggression whatsoever. Toothless couldn't help but smile as the slightly smaller dragon glanced around with wide eyes; he knew how she had been getting anxious with being stuck in the cove, only sticking to the Dragon Nip field and some of the woods around it. So with the discovery of Hiccup taking the two into the human village, albeit EXTREMELY risky, the female had brightened up like a star. "Do you think he will allow us to terrorize some of the humans? Maybe give us some of those bigger fish I spotted the last time I was there?"

Letting out a small snort he looked ahead to where Asta and Hiccup were slowly walking a few feet ahead, whisper frantically to each other as they threw glances back every once and a while.

"I suppose..." He mumbled before frowning in worry, his form unintentionally tensing as the scent of more, unknown scents of a lot more humans hit his nose like a wack to the face. Feeling a little threatened he took a step closer to the dragoness feeling his wing brush against hers. Sunflower tensed for a moment before she moved away by a step, not noticing the look the Night Fury had sent her. Sure, she might have cuddled with him the other day but that was when she was half asleep and feeling too lazy to push him away. Letting out another sigh, Toothless continued talking. "... this is too risky. We're literally walking into the village that tried to kill me multiple times, tried to kill you! You don't exactly like humans, remember? We shouldn't be doing this!"

"... I might not like humans but I know how to restrain myself."

Toothless gave her a deadpanned expression.

"What?! I can... as long as they don't provoke me," Sunflower pouted as the male raised an eye ridge, obviously not believing her. "I can!"

"You tried to kill the human female earlier just because she jumped onto your back. That didn't look like much self-control to me," Toothless snarked lowly as he sent her a narrowed eyed stare.

Sunflower just huffed and turned her gaze away, glaring at the redheaded girl. "She jumped on my back! Didn't see Hiccup doing that to you, eggbrain! I was already emotionally unstable from the surprise ambush and saddle, give me a break! Plus, I barely know the annoying fleshy. She didn't want an almost early death then she shouldn't have done what she did, don't know you all are scolding me for it."

"... Emotionally unstable?" The Night Fury snorted.

"Is that all you got out of my speech?!"

Up ahead Asta stiffened with a chilling shiver as she felt daggers of death penetrating straight into the back of her skull. Rolling her eyes she reached up and tugged on her bangs, turning her head so she could stare back at the two beasts she met the challenging glare of Sunflower with a ferocity of her own. She might have been a little scared upon the flight of death earlier that morning but now she was back to her spitfire self. She wasn't gonna let some dumb reptile scare into backing away with her tail tucked in between her legs.

"... I'm gonna tame her. I swear I will."

"Huh?" Hiccup glanced over confused, blinking twice before following her gaze back where he tossed his back with a groan. "Asta! Don't even think about-"

"I am and you can't stop me! You have your dragon and I have mine... sort of... but you get the point! Unless..." Narrowing her eyes she turned towards her friend while coming to a halt, folding her arms. "Unless you want her for yourself!"

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