Chapter 10

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Blue eyes stared up at the mountain barrier with an array of emotions swarming around like the vast amount of fish swimming around in the deep warm corral filled waters below her. Worry was eating at her in large waves as her ear twitched as she let out a puff of steam through her nose.

Two weeks.

That's how long Sunflower's been missing.

And as each new day passes by, more and more of the dragons resident of the safe-haven grew wary with their own anxiety and harrowing thoughts as scouts returned unsuccessful each day. Despite there being many powerful fire and light barriers amongst both Furies and non-Furies, Sunflower - for whatever reasons - had been the one everyone felt the safest with. It wasn't because of her unnatural connection to the sun that gave her a brilliant power of light and fire, though it did help, but it was after the discovery of the dark shadow that sent everyone in a panicked frenzy that increased the announcement of Sunflower's sudden disappearance. Word had gotten out that the Sun Fury was the only one who seemed to fully keep the shadows at bay; since she's disappeared more light and fire-based dragons had to step up and join the ranks to help keep it and its life-sucking abilities at bay.

This meant that Orion and Lightglider herself had to join the ranks, using their abilities to 'teleport' and blend in with the day time skies as a means to get some of the slightly darker dragons around.

Whatever this thing was, it was smart.


And it was growing with each life it sucked clean beyond the island walls.

'Where are you Sunny?' Lightglider sucked in another breath. She exhaled sharply and turned her eyes towards the sun, hoping that her elder sister would suddenly appear within the beams of the light in all her sparkling glory. Sadly that did not happen, making the female dragon lower her head and sigh. 'I wish I knew where she went, I could go and find her before things get worse...'

It was at a moment like this that the Light Fury had little care for the rules her leader had given them. Her sister, her best friend, was gone, leaving no trace as to what had happened. Many thoughts swirled around the dragoness's head like an angry hurricane. Had Sunflower left willingly? Was she forcefully taken? What if the IT killed her? Maybe she was taking a flight outside of the island and had gotten lost, having been so lost in thought she forgot to watch where she was flying. Lightglider had to admit that the last one did sound like something that Sunflower would do, to be honest.

For as smart and mighty as the Sun Fury was, she could be a little dull in observing her surroundings while out flying, easily getting lost in her own hurricane of thoughts and though the Sun Fury could take care of herself, it didn't stop the Light Fury from worrying - especially since none of the dragons from the island had much experience in the world outside of the walls, the only experience any of them had were the patrols but even then... A part of Lightglider couldn't help but scowl, though. Sunflower sure picked a rotten time to get lost, possibly killed, out in the middle of nowhere. With the growing threat of the life-sucking shadow, the island needs the sun rider back.

The sun's rays cast an angelic glow around her body as she glanced towards the walls again, her own sparkling scales capturing the rays perfect as her white form shined like a pure diamond of light; the white ethereal beauty a Light Fury seemed to possess posing like a pure beacon to those who flew by off in the distance. A shiver ran down her spine as her eyes lingered on the walls. It was only a matter of time before IT grew strong enough to break the barriers and without Sunflower, those who were put out on the front lines could only do so much before they were outsmarted. They needed to start searching for a backup home, someplace far away from here and the human world and any dangers.

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