Chapter 4

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"You could be helping me, you know?"

If she wasn't so annoyed with him right now, Sunflower would've snorted in amusement. So instead, she 'hmmf'ed' and turned her head a little snobbishly, smirking slightly at the aggravated huff she heard.

Sunflower wasn't normally so bloodthirsty, but over the last day she's had she was more than sure she was going to be banished from any dragon colony for mass murder. The last few hours, to be precise, have been the most agonizing moments of her entire life. Sure, her damaged wing was one of the reasons, as well as being stuck on a human filled island with no escape unless she suddenly grew gills and webby water fins and swam her way free, but the thing that was driving her to kill was him.

The Night Fury.

The dragon was a nuisance and nagging pain if her rear end that was going to stay there until she left or decided to actually murder him; which she was seriously considering and willing to do. Despite all that has happened and the numerous threats that spilled from the dragoness, the annoying creature had taken to Sunflower like a fish to water; claiming that since she was from the Fury species, different kind of not, that was all that matter. Now he seemed to think she'd help him just because they were from the same dragon race, or so she assumed. Though she was sure he silently wished she was a Night Fury from how he would stare at her and get this sad faraway expression.

"What was that? Couldn't quite hear you," Came her snarky reply.

The Night Fury huffed, sending her a glare, as he tried to jump up on a rock once more, only to fall. Growling in agitation, he flicked his tail. "Help. Me. Get. Out of HERE!!"

"Hmm... I don't think I will. I quite enjoy this spot," The female snarked with a devil glare. "Why are you even trying to escape? You're obviously not going to get anywhere far with that tail of yours."

She was referring to his left tail fin that no longer exists. It was an injury that he acquired after the crash after it got sliced by a sharp branch or something like that. Luckily for him, Sunflower's wing had taken most of the damage during the collision, resulting only one of his tail fin's being sliced off instead of them both. And because of where it was injured, he was now at a ninety-nine percent chance of not being able to fly again.

The one percent only being there if he had someone willing to help him.

Sunflower couldn't heal it either and unless he was a lizard, there was absolutely no way his tailfin would grow back. Maybe if they found the detached limb she could maybe reattach it to his tail, but there's no telling if it would even work. Plus, she didn't have the best experience with healing a dragon's wing webbing on tail/body fins. Simple cuts or stab wounds — depending on their depth — she could heal, but the rest...

"Fine! Don't help! I can do it on my own!" The Night Fury snarled, breaking her from her thoughts, as he sent her another glare jumping once again. "I'm not going to wait for another human to come across this cove where they can easily kill us! We're practically sitting birds here." Jumping up the side of the cliff, he let out a growl when the rocks beneath him gave away, sending back to the ground. "If I could just get out of here-- I could figure a way to fly, I flew when I left the human, I can do it again."

".... Males," Sunflower exhaled with a roll of her eyes, stretching out under the sunlight. "You wouldn't get far, you barely got that far earlier. You're just lucky the collision with that tree didn't cut off both of you tail fins or you'd be in more trouble than you are now," She paused for a moment, scowling. "You're welcome, by the way. By wing took most of the impact."

Despite her obvious distaste towards him, she still felt bad for him. He would never be able to fly ever again, cursed to be ground for the rest of his life; however long that may be. She might act like a cold stubborn rodent, but she wasn't completely heartless. She wouldn't wish this on her enemies... Well, actually, her enemies she would. But she didn't exactly consider the male a major threat — just a major nuisance that she wanted to kill.

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