3. Waiting for the Angel

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I had just finished making my rounds when I heard the faint voice whispering in the dark. I had checked up on everyone, just as I did every night. Shelly would normally stay up late anyway, so she slept in the living room, so she wouldn't bother anybody.

Kyle, Scott, and Butters all slept in the parents room, sharing the king sized bed. At first they had been against it, not wanting people to think they were gay or something, but eventually they got over it. Now, the three of them were cuddled up, sleeping soundly. Actually, Kyle was still awake, listening to some music on his little CD player that he had. He would pop in CD's and listen with his earbuds. When I had asked him why he didn't just use his iPad, make things easier, he just got this horrified look on his face and told me that he was never going to use his iPad again, rambling on and on about cuttlefish and asparagus. I had learned to just leave that topic be.

Token, Clyde, and I all would sleep in the kids bedroom, which had two smaller twin beds. I was always the last one to hit the hay, though, and even when I did, I could never get any sleep. I felt it was my duty to make sure everyone else was safe before I could allow myself to rest. Now, as I passed the third bedroom, where the McCormicks were staying, I heard a faint whispering coming from inside. When I made it to the doorway, I peeked inside, hoping to maybe find out what the problem was.

"Hey Karen. I think it's time for us all to go to sleep." I said in a hushed tone. The small girl was kneeling on her bed, ignoring her older brother, who was already snoring and out cold.

"No, I have to wait until he shows up. He hasn't failed me yet." She said intently.

"Who's he?" I asked, sitting on the edge of the bed, looking out of the window, trying to see whatever she was looking at. It almost seemed as if she had been praying to the windowsill.

"My guardian angel. He protects me, and he always shows up when I'm sad, to make me feel better. Right now I'm," she sniffled, "Right now I'm really, really sad. So my guardian angel must be coming very soon."

I wanted to point out that it was very unlikely that a guardian angel visited her whenever she was sad. I wanted to say that he was probably just a figment of her imagination, like an imaginary friend. I wanted to say that it was stupid and that she should just get some rest.

But then I though of something. Something that a wise girl once told me. People need help sorting out their emotions sometimes. And the best thing isn't always quick answers, but just being there, supporting each other and... talking through those feelings. Heidi's words echoed in my head. Her advice had helped me save Tweek when he needed someone to be there for him. Now, I found myself calling upon that advice again.

"How are you feeling right now?" I asked her, changing my position so that I was now sitting cross legged on the bed, facing Karen.

"I'm not sick if that's what you're asking. You don't have to lock me away."

"No, like how are you feeling? Right now, I'm feeling very happy that we found you, and I'm feeling hopeful for the future." She stared at me with a gaping mouth for a bit, deciding whether or not to trust me, but after a while she scooted closer to me, sitting herself in my lap.

"Well, I'm feeling very scared, because my brother promised me that he would never leave me. And now he has."

"Okay, that's natural. I'm pretty scared too."

"Why are you scared? You're the big, strong leader, you don't have to be afraid."

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I don't want to pee my pants every now and then." Karen giggled, a wonderful sound that I hadn't heard in a while. "You see, I am also missing a sibling, Tricia."

"Yeah, Tricia was in my class. She's strong too, like her big brother."

"Trust me, I know. She's not the one I'm worried about."


"Man, you're a smart one, aren't you?"

"Kenny always told me that I was the smartest person in our family!" She said, beaming up at me.

"Well, he wasn't wrong, and neither are you. You're right, Tweek is probably losing his mind out there. I had also made a promise to him, that I'd stick by his side if things took a turn for the worse. Now look at me."

"Yeah..." She said, getting quiet again. We sat there in silence as I began to rock her back and forth. Although I knew she wasn't a baby anymore, it's what I would do with Tweek to calm his nerves. Now, I was hoping I could comfort Karen, be a tiny rock for her to hold onto. A small part of me was screaming, Craig! You're not her brother! You can't replace Kenny! What about your own sister? For now, though, I tried to push those thoughts to the back of my head.

"Craig, do you think you'll ever find Kenny?" She mumbled sleepily. Apparently my rocking had worked like a charm.

"Yes, I really do think so. And just to make you feel better, we'll send a search party out just for Kenny tomorrow morning. How's that sound?" She smiled, sliding out of my lap and laying back in the covers.

"That sounds great."

"Okay, I think you'd better get to sleep now." I said, pushing myself off the bed and tucking her in.

"Mmmhmm..." She muttered drowsily. As I walked across the room, I turned around at the door frame just before leaving. I saw Karen sit up, take one last look towards the empty window, and then settle back into the covers.

"Night." I whispered.

That night I fell asleep with no trouble.

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