30. Wait No, I'm Fine (Clyde's Not)

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"Scott, why do you have to screw up everything? Like, legitimately everything?"

"Shelly, I told you! They just wanted to tag along, check out Clyde, that's all!"

"You're lucky that one of them had a tampon. Jesus, you couldn't even walk to the drug store without bailing."

"I didn't bail!" Shelly rolled her eyes and scoffed at me, making me feel even worse. I did try, didn't I? Yeah, I gave it my best shot.... and still failed. Huh.

"Don't do that!" Kevin's voice shouted. It looked like he was trying to keep a couple of the lab coat guys, who I'm just gonna assume are scientists, from opening the cell. They had also brought out this bucket of, uh, let's just say meat, that smelled really sweet for some reason. It must have been zombie bait, because after getting one whiff of it, Clyde had started going ballistic. One of the bigger men had to hold Kevin down by the wrists in order to get to the latch of the door. I guess Kevin just had it hardwired in his brain to keep the door locked under any circumstance, and he looked pretty upset that some random people had just barged in and threw that rule out the window.

The adults crowded around the door, excitedly murmuring amongst themselves. I couldn't see what they were doing, but they sure were doing something. Whatever it was, it set Clyde off again, but his cries only fed their excitement. My burst of courage has fizzled out by this point, so I didn't approach them at all, but Shelly just narrowed her eyes and pushed her way into the center of the mass.

"ALRIGHT!" She shouted, commanding the attention of everyone in the room. We all went silent, except for Clyde, who was still moaning and banging his fists on the walls. "Listen up! I dunno who you turds are, but you seem to know what you're doing, so I'm gonna trust you. However, don't hurt Clyde in any way, shape, or form. I know he's zombie, but he's also just a kid. Secondly, you gotta clue us in. What the hell is happening?"

"Are you the person in charge?"

"I'd probably give that honor to Craig, but for the time being, yeah. I'd say I'm in charge." She glared at Kevin and I as she spoke, but we didn't dare try to argue with her. Plus, I didn't think we wanted to. Shelly really had been holding the fort for us two boys, so we really couldn't complain.

"We promise we won't hurt your friend. In fact, we don't think he can feel pain at all." That's comforting. "And we are trying to cure him, but for that we're going to need your help. When did he start showing signs of turning? Did you perhaps have someone keeping watch?"

"That'll be Kevin. Kev, tell them what you know."

"No." Kevin stared at the two guys holding him against the wall, his face contorting in anger. "These are mean people. They don't care about us. So I'm gonna shut up."

"Kevin, just tell them!" Shelly kicked him in the foot.



"I might know what you guys wanna know." I mumbled, but I was drowned out by Shelly arguing with the unmoving Kevin. I decided to build up my courage and give it another shot. "HEY GUYS!" I shouted. A few heads turned my way. Good, I had their attention.

"I think I actually know more than Kevin would. No offense Kev. I chatted a lot with Clyde, almost every waking moment." I said, only adding, "I'm very lonely" afterwards.

"Wait a sec, this kid says he knows. Can you recount your time with the infected?"

"Could you please call him Clyde?" I squeaked. Well crud, I got their attention, now I actually had to talk.

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