36. Bebe And Kenneth Make Small Talk

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"It's looking better."

"Yes, but still some green around the middle section. Note it."


"Doctor, can I go? It's been a while..." I meekly asked, flinching every time one of their cold hands made contact with my bare back. The scratch had gotten smaller and more normal looking, but it still throbbed and was crazy sensitive. Plus, now I didn't have my locks to cover the wound. The first thing they made me do when I got where was get a haircut. Just one more thing that made me like Wendy, I guess.

"In a second." My gaze drifted upward and, in the door window, I saw Kenny make a face at me as he passed by the room. I tried to do my best to keep a straight face as the woman examined my pupils.

Kenny was, surprisingly, not a bad guy. I dunno, I guess I had always seen him as some kind of filthy scum. Don't hang out with his kind. Mama would always say. Those junkies and drunks are all alike, so just steer clear. And so I did. I avoided Kenny when I saw him in the halls, declined his birthday invitations, and basically tried my best to ignore the boy. Even we when arrived here together, I wandered alone for about as long as I could stand. That was four days ago. Eventually I got sick of doing nothing, so I decided to go against what I've been told my whole life. I sat down and willingly had a conversation with Kenny McCormick. As in Kenny "The Cheeser" McCormick. That guy.

And it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. He was surprisingly really fun to chat with. I had only really known him for a few days, but with how much oversharing we had done, it felt more like years. He was always so open about everything. He had no reason to keep secrets, no reason to judge you for snorting in the middle of a laughing fit, no reason to gap if you wanted two sandwiches instead of one.

Obviously he would never be boyfriend material. My parents would lose their minds. Plus, I form crushes on every other boy I meet. A flaw of mine, but I can't help it. Usually it makes me end up in a relationship with a boy I'm unhappy with. It wasn't hard for me to attract boys either, only fueling my constant crushing. With one well placed laugh and brush of a shoulder, I could pretty much get any boy I wanted to do anything I wanted.

Which made me kind of an asshole, I guess, toying with boys' emotions like that.

"Escort her back to her room." The woman in the sling ordered her assistant. Her arm was covered in bandages and stitches. Craig really really messed her up, didn't he? Despite his reputation for being cool and collected, any time anyone even made a slightly negative comment about Tweek, he would go ballistic. Seems like nothing's changed since they first got together. I'll never know how those two do it. Holding a pretty steady relationship for that long, only taking breaks here and there. Usually I'm with a different person every two months. The longest time I've ever actually been with someone was... well, was Clyde.

"Follow me."

"Coming." I flattened the bandage on my back before pulling down my shirt and following him out of the room. I had been here for a little less than a week now and still couldn't figure out what the hell their names were. Sometimes different people would come in, poke me with this, ask me that, but it was always Craig's Lady and Shortie. Walking down the hallway, staring at the back of his head, he was pretty short, wasn't he?

We passed by the room on our way back. It was just impossible to miss. The room that was always jam packed with people who would press their faces up against the glass to stare at their two pets for hours on end. Poor Clyde....every time I pass that room, something inside me just sinks. They had tested the antidote on both boys, the curly haired one and Clyde, both with no effects. They just acted like brainless zombies. The brainless zombies that they were now. Little Clyde, who would bake me mini muffins because I mentioned one day that I loved muffins and it became a tradition. Mini muffins and a movie on Friday nights. He would walk me to his house after school on Fridays to curl up with our snacks and a film.

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