That's All, Folks!

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I really can't believe it. I started this thing on a whim, and here we all are. At the end. Was the end result good? Eh, but did I have fun doing? Heck yeah!
So this is gonna be a lot of "afterwards" stuff. The story is technically finished now. I will go back and revise/edit later, but no new story stuff will happen. I'm sorry if you wanted to read more or were unsatisfied by the ending, but fear not! I will write more stuff on here! Go check out my other "book" called Stuff With Its_Me_Tweek_Tweak! There is a section named "Most of these will probably never end up being written" or something. See my other story/writing ideas and comment which one you'd like to see! I'd really love to hear y'all's input!

The rest of this is just gonna be fun stuff! Some behind the scenes, some never-before-seen content, really riveting stuff! I dunno if y'all will like this, but this is the kinda thing I find interesting. So, without further adue...

ThanksTHANK YOU GUYS SO SO SO MUCH! Honestly, every little view and vote just makes me so happy, and all the nice comments really are lovely

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THANK YOU GUYS SO SO SO MUCH! Honestly, every little view and vote just makes me so happy, and all the nice comments really are lovely. Thank you guys for your support and thank you for sticking through all this garbage 😅.

Thank you to my friend, who will go unnamed. This friend was there and helped me come up with the whole Kenny going with the FBI/killing himself to warn the others. Not to mention helping me y'all through and brainstorm other parts. Thank you, friend-o!

And thank you to anyone else I have forgotten to thank! You're the greatest!

Fun facts!
Ever said "Man, I always wanted to know random and dumb facts about this fan fiction!" Well now you can sleep easy!

-I really loved writing all the characters, but Kenny and Scott's POVs were pretty fun to write in particular.

-I'm not much for horror, so outside some content here or there, the extent of my zombie knowledge goes to Paranorman and that's it. So if the way zombies work in the fic made no sense, it's because I had no clue what I was talking about. Did I fake it well, though?

-Hey, remember Baby and Clive? Bebe's nickname is pretty obvious, just change a few letters, not to mention Baby is already an affectionate name to call your girlfriend. However, Bebe mentions that her nickname for Clyde came from a TV show they watched together. This is from my life, when I binged the TV show Psych, I kinda noticed that...well...why are there so many people named Clive that pop up? It's not a bad name, but I've literally never heard it ever, and then this TV show comes along a has a one-off character named Clive every other episode. Maybe I'm exaggerating or maybe it's just a me thing, but that's where Clive comes from. In case you were wondering whichyouprobablyweren't.

-The swearing gets continually worse in the fic (at least to a point) because I had originally tried to keep it clean (that's how I speak) but I decided to change that because if I was gonna write characters that curse a lot, then I should have them curse. And although writing all those curse words made me feel kinda dirty, I'm glad that I made the change.

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