25. The Meeting of the Leaders (Plus Tweek) (Plus Stan) (Plus Kenny)

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"No, this is stupid. Screw you guys, I'm going home." Cartman began to stand up, but I dug the end of my shotgun into the back of his head. It felt good too, making the bastard pay for what he'd done, even in a small way. "This is fucking stupid..." He muttered, sinking back into his chair. I didn't feel one ounce of remorse for him. Every time I did, I just thought of Kyle wincing as I cleaned out his infected cuts. As the images and pained squeaks flashed in my mind, I had to resist the urge to pull a Craig and pummel the fatass.

"You're lucky we're even including you." Wendy pointed out.

"Yeah, remind me why he's here again." Kenny grumbled. His carefree disposition had suddenly disappeared, replaced with pure hatred. I could understand it though, Kenny loved one thing in the world more than anything else, and that was his sister Karen. Once I told him that Cartman was holding his sister captive, however, something in Kenny just flipped. His whole attitude had just screamed, You messed with the wrong fucking girl. In fact, it just occurred to me that nearly everyone at this table had a reason to hate Cartman. I could feel the tension in the air. If Cartman said or did a single thing that didn't sit right with someone, they wouldn't hesitate to attack him. Or worse, kill him...


Which honestly, might not be a bad thing.

"He's here because he, like it or not, did gather a group of people. He put himself in charge, so he knows their situation better than anyone else in this room." Wendy growled. She seemed very aggravated that Cartman was being grouped in with the leaders. I hadn't really talked to her since the initial storm of the building, but even those talks had been more general-to-foot solider type conversations. I had taken care of Kyle for the most part, and Wendy had been busy, well, basically running the place. She had gotten everyone and everything organized and was able to make the school secure again. Wendy's the most put-together and organized person I know, which can be infuriating at times.

Despite her official and collected attitude, I knew Wendy too well to not believe it for one second. She was furious. Furious that something like a zombie apocalypse could even happen, furious that the FBI wasn't doing anything. Most of all, I think she was furious at Craig. I could see the jealousy in her eyes whenever she looked at him. Wendy had once confessed to me one time late at night that being organized and leading is one of the toughest things for her to manage. Now she looked at Craig, who was giving no fucks about anything at all, and watching him take the lead with ease. Not only that, but watching him crap all over her plans as well. Bringing in Tweek just because, although he knew that Wendy had originally intended the meeting to just be her, Craig, and Cartman.

"Okay, so who's gonna start. We need to all be on the same page here." Craig took of his cap and ran a hand through his dark hair. "No volunteers? Fine, I'll go first. Basically after the first outbreak me and a couple of guys started camping out at some house. Then we found two of the McCormicks and—"

"So that's where they were...huh." Kenny said. "Well, at least they were safe."

"Yeah, so we found them, then I decided that we should go check out the school. We found Stan on—"

"Bullshit." Cartman laughed.

"What?" Craig stared daggers at the fatass.

"I said that's bullshit. Come on, the only reason you came here was because of your boy toy."

"AHH JESUS CHRIST!" Tweek screamed, spraying water all over Craig. He must have been drinking from his water bottle and then overreacted. I mean, why in the world would Tweek just act like a normal person when he could scream everything instead?

"Well anyway, we came here, found Tweek, got locked up, busted out, and now we're here. Who's next?"

"I have a feeling that you left out a lot..." Wendy muttered. I could see how agitated she was. She kept reaching up to fiddle with her hair, only to end up empty handed. Her new hairstyle was cute, but it also reminded me a bit too much of when she dressed up as a boy. What was her name... Wendell? Whatever it was, it just made me feel weird.

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