43. It's Time

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"Hey fellas! Just woke up from my nap. Craig, I think it's your turn. Take a snoozer, I got your shift."

"We're five feet away from you, we know you're away. Tweek, you can take my turn." I peered down the street, trying to see anything coming out of the morning fog, but I was met with nada.

"No way, man! I'm under way too much pressure to go to sleep! Ah!" Tweek yelped after accidentally backing into me.

"It's okay, Honey, we're all on edge. But that's a good thing. We need to be prepared. Any minute now..."

It was the morning after the attack. Or rather, when the attack should have been. Whether it be the FBI fucking with us or Kenny getting false info I dunno, but the day had come and passed and no whistles had been blown. Each group had one, and our ears were constantly listening for the shrill sound to ring. We were scattered all over town in groups of various sizes, all of us rearing and ready to fight. I didn't like spreading ourselves so thin, but we still didn't know where they would enter. The zombies could attack potentially anywhere. Or everywhere.

"Hey Craig, why do you suppose nothing's happened yet?"

"I dunno. The most we can do is sit tight and be prepa—"

There it was. A clear, high-pitched whistle piercing the air. Three shrill sounds.

"AHHHH THAT'S IT! Wait, wait, no, I've got this." Tweek took a deep breath and steadied his shaking hands and pulled out the sheet. "Three rings, that's over by Token's h—"

Again, whistles broke the air. A set of four, then a set of seven, then one. I could hear yelling in the distance, followed by a few gunshots.

"Gosh, that's a ton of them." Butters said, fiddling with the metal whistle hanging around his neck.

"Let's go over by the Farm. We're closest to them anyway. Grab your weapons, come on!" I ordered, although I had never let go of my bat's handle and my gun was still tucked safely away in my back pocket.

"Wait!" Tweek yelled, looking nervous as ever. "Butters, can you turn around for a second?"

"Sure, whatever you say!"

"Tweek, what's this about? We've gotta—" I was shut up by Tweek looking me directly in the eyes, something he never does, and...kissing me....on the lips. Sure, it was fast, more of a peck on the lips, but I had never been kissed there before. And never by Tweek. Even after he had pulled away, I stayed glued to the ground, looking down at my boyfriend with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry," He instantly apologized. "I just, I dunno, I wanted—" Tweek was wringing his hands and shaking like crazy.

"Yeah...just in case things go south,"

"I wanted to at least have a first kiss....with you..."He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck and looking at the ground. I stared at him, a tingly feeling spreading through my body and a weird haze filling my mind. What just happened?

"What's going on, fellas? Can I turn around yet?"

Right. I have a job to do, and even though every part of me wanted to stay and enjoy the moment, enjoy this warm, fuzzy feeling, I forced my feet to walk away.

"Thanks, Butters. Yeah, let's go."

"Thanks for what?" Tweek and I ignored him and we took off running towards the farm.

We arrived a few minutes later, just in time to save a third grader from becoming zombie chow. There were maybe fifteen walkers and only three of them, but we managed to overpower then. Although they were strong, most of them were kinda slow, so usually if you just kept your distance and worked quickly, you could take down tons of walkers and never get bit. My bat felt nice and comfortable in my hands, and it didn't seem as scary as I made familiar arcs with my weapon.

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