41. Homecoming

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"Hey guys! Did ya miss me?" I called out from my rolled-down window. Craig nearly dropped his bat on the pavement, and his jaw was dropping with it.

"You're shitting me. Kenny, you've been on a fucking joyride this whole time? We didn't know where you went! You just took off like you always do, Karen had a fit, Damien had a metal breakdown—"

"Wait, I'm sorry, is that my Dad's car?" Token blinked in disbelief, staring at the now battered and dented red car.

"Uh, yeah. Wait, so you said Dami—"

"Hey, asshole! I'm in the car, too." Tricia grumbled, hopping out of the car and strolling towards Craig.

"Craig, tell your sister to stop interrupting me every time I—"

"Fuck off." They said in unison.

The two siblings stared at each other for a moment. A smile broke out on both of their faces, but instead of embracing, they just flipped each other off and started to walk inside.

"Wait a second! Craig, I need to tell you something important!" I yelled, stumbling out of the car to run after them.

"What? I don't really feel like talking to you after you ju—"

"There's gonna be an attack." See, two can play at the interrupting game. Craig stopped dead in his tracks.


"Craig, you were right. The FBI isn't gonna help us. They've been collecting zombies from all over and they're gonna dump them all on us to kill. One big wave. In about three days. Or maybe two, I can't really remember."

"That sounds like bullcrap to me." Tricia told me.

"Shut up. Kenny, who told you? How did you find out?" He inquired, peering at me, trying to judge whether or not I was a trustworthy source.

"Look, does it matter who told me?"

"Yes it matters! I wanna know you aren't pulling this outta your ass as a joke or something!"

"I'm not Cartman, only he would find a joke like this funny. And for the record, I wasn't joyriding. I hitched a ride on one of their vans. Snuck into the place where they took Bebe and Clyde. Overheard a conversation, and then snuck back out as fast as I could. That's how it went down."

"That's insane!" Token interjected, shaking his head in disbelief. "How did you manage to get away without being caught?"

"He's obviously lying, he couldn't sneak in and out of a government facility like that. Kenny, I dunno why you feel the need to lie about the source—"

"I'm not—"

"I trust you. I just gotta..." Then something kinda weird happened.

Craig's breathing started to get a little rapid. His whole body shaking, he walked a few steps away from us and gave the ground a good, solid whack with his bat. Rocks flew from underneath the metal and made pinging sounds when they hit the side of the car. When he walked back over, his body had stopped shaking and his breathing had regulated a bit. A bit.

"Okay, do we know from where?"

"Uh, not really. They didn't mention it."

"I'm gonna get on that. Kenny, go into classroom 106, got it? There's someone who's been dying to see you. Tricia, I love ya, but stay outta my way."

"Wh...what? Are you kidding me?"

"No, I'm not kidding you. Tricia, suck it up. We can bond or whatever later." With that, Craig left. No other comments, ignoring Tricia following behind him complaining. I went behind them, walking towards room 106. Poor Karen, she must be distraught. I'm getting a little tired of lowering her opinion of me with every excuse I give to why I disappeared, why was I missing, why did I never show?

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