40. Stupid Gooers

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Okay, let's rock and roll, baby.

I pushed myself off my bed, all my rats squeaking at the sudden movement.

"Yeah yeah, I know. I'm back a little earlier than expected, but this is important." I told them, slipping my shoes on. I couldn't afford to waste any time.

That meant walking wasn't an option. I don't really know how to drive, not really, but I know Token has a few extra cars. The keys should still be at his house. Grabbing a few frozen Eggo Waffles from the fridge, I took off running towards the richest part of town.

It only occurred to me as I was running that I had left my gun, well, at school, and had taken no weapons with me from my own house. I ducked into an alley really quickly, just to see if there were any weapons I could use. I eventually settled on a broken rusty pipe that was one tug away from being a zombie-mashing machine. After looking around some more and seeing no other options lying around, I gave the pipe a hard yank. Good news: It pulled free, and now I could defend myself if needed. Bad news: The sharp edge gave me a nasty reminder of my thievery. A jagged scrap along my forearm that stung like hell.

Well shit, tetanus here I come.

"That doesn't take, like, hours to kill, does it?" I asked to no one in particular, shedding my parka and wrapping it around my arm. "Right? Like a few days at least. Right?" The empty air I was talking to gave no reply. "I'm, like, 69% sure..." I muttered, walking out of the alley with my new weapon and snickering at my own awful joke.

Now with a giant metal rod in hand, I took off running down the street once again.

About twenty minutes later, I found myself staring at the large mansion. Yeah, I know it's not technically a mansion, but coming from someone who lives in a shack, it sure looked it.

Okay, so the keys would be inside. I began to head there first. The doors were locked, like I expected, so I used my trusty pipe to smash the window in. The sound of glass shattering was followed up by a scream.

Wait, was someone in there?

"HELLO?" I bellowed, carefully easing my way over the glass shards. Injuries would only slow me down.

"LISTEN HERE, MOTHERFUCKER, I HAVE A KNIFE AND I WON'T HESITATE TO CUT YOUR UNDEAD ASS TO BITS!" Whoa, what the hell? That was...that was definitely a kid's voice. Either that or Damien, but he was in Hell right now, so it couldn't be him.

"I'M NOT INFECTED, I SWEAR!" Despite my legs being sore from running, I took off sprinting around the gigantic house, peaking my head into each room to try to find the source of the shouting.


"FINE THEN! I'LL TAKE SOME KEYS, TAKE A CAR, AND LEAVE TO GO WARN CRAIG AND EVERYONE ELSE!" I nonchalantly stopped searching and began slowly meandering towards the garage. I know how little kids operate. A few seconds later, I heard little footsteps pattering down the hall. I started to turn around, but the cocking of a gun stopped me in my tracks.

"Follow my orders or else I swear to god I'll shoot your brains out." The nozzle was pressed against my back. "And drop the pipe!"

"Fine, whatever, it would be a hassle to have to run all the way back here..." I mumbled, letting my weapon clatter to the ground.

"What do you mean? A hassle? You'd be dead, asshat."

"Sure. Now, what are your demands? Cuz whatever they are, I can guarantee you I've done a lot worse for a lot l—"

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